get clear
“Your desires are your prayers. And your prayers are sacred spell casting.”
artwork: unknown
This is a great place to start at the beginning of each month, at a New Moon or anytime you want to set some intentions.
Take some time each month to set an intention or two with goals and actionable steps. What are one or two desires you want to call in this month? How do you want to feel? If you need help figuring it out where you want to go, begin with where you are and how you’re feeling now. If you’re in lack, then maybe you want to create abundance, if you’re having health issues, maybe you want to call in vitality, well being and glowing radiance. Once you have an idea, follow the prompts below to dig deep.
“Realism is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of pessimism. The people with the most consistent track records of success don’t think in terms of what is. They think in terms of what could be. ”
crafting your vision
high vibrations
Flush out what you want to create. Get super clear about your intentions. What do you envision for yourself? Make them as juicy, sparkly, sensorial, exciting and robust as you can. What kind of experiences do you want to have? What do you want to offer the world? What do you want for your well-being, your relationships, your spiritual life, your mind, your emotional body, work, etc..?
Why do you want it? What is the thing underneath the thing? What will that thing offer you? How will it make you feel? Get to the root of you want. Let’s say you want to make more money, to what end?
“Forget the money, because if you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time. You’ll be doing things you don’t like doing in order to go on living - that is, to go on doing things you don’t like doing. Which is stupid. Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way. ”
Money is not the goal. It’s not the core want. It is a vehicle. Maybe you want to make more money because you want to feel secure or autonomous. Or maybe you want to travel more, or have more freedom in your life to do what you want how you want, to buy more organic food, get a massage every week, or you want to live somewhere else. Get as detailed as you can with the core of what you want, the big dream, the seed of how you want to feel. Keep peeling back layers… “I want this so I can have ________”. That blank gets you closer to what you really want. And so does the next answer. Keep digging.
Do a little stream of consciousness writing around your future self, think about your ideal day. What does it include? How do you feel? What people, things, places, situations are a part of it? What value do you add? What do you see, smell, hear, touch? Be sure to include ways in which you wish to grow in future visions.
“When you get clear on how you want to feel, the pursuit itself will become more satisfying.”
Envy can offer us A LOT of juicy information. It is said that envy is “your unfulfilled potential projected on another”. Sit with that for a minute. If you look at the folks you compare yourself to… first and foremost ask if that is actually your definition of success or conditioning but if it is, what info does that offer you about what you most desire? Who/what are you jealous of? This can greater help us clarify our vision.
Check in
Is what you’re asking for something you can believe you will receive? Is there any Shadow work to do here?
When you read through your intentions does it trigger any of the low vibrations you need to deal with? See below.
Can you hold the vision without the how? Stay with the core want without knowing the means of getting there? YES YOU CAN!
Always write it out pen to paper and then close it out with: this or something greater now manifest, for the highest good of all concerned in the most harmonious and satisfying of ways. Trust that the wisdom of your higher guidance and the Universe knows best. Hold space that there could be something even better than you thought of.
“Pro tip: Make your goals + dreams win/win. For every desire think about how getting that thing will also benefit at least two other people. This amplifies the power of your manifestations. ”
Choose actionable steps
Once you have your wishes, desires, intentions written out. Map out some actionable steps to attain your goals. What are a few things you can do this month or each week to move closer to your desire. Maybe it’s Shadow work, chanting a mantra daily, the addiction meditation daily, taking a class once or twice a week, tapping into your sensuality through your senses or dancing a song each day, practicing tools from The Root Workshop daily, spending an hour a day contemplating your human design, etc..
Maybe for a business goal you set how much you’ll post each day, push yourself to be seen more, do a prosperity meditation, stop giving away your services, implement a sliding scale, send out a weekly newsletter, etc.. I recommend some steps out in the world (I finally sign up for that class I’ve been eyeballing or send an email about that collaboration) + some work around the energetics + inner work (gratitude journaling, tapping to clear limiting beliefs, Addiction Meditation Daily, etc..)
You can also choose to have intentions/feelings around what you want to create in multiple areas of your life. How do you want to feel in your career? In your relationship or love life? In your body? In your community? Etc.. What’s important to you right now, in this moment?
“Be aware of the difference between inspired action and activity. Activity comes from the brain-mind and is rooted in disbelief and lack of faith - you are taking action to “make” your desire happen. Inspired action is allowing the law to work through you and to move you.”
Let go of any attachment to what you desire. Loosen your grip. Stay in a space of it would be lovely if this happened and ok if it’s not in your highest good right now, or in the exact timing you’re wanting, or looks exactly how you want, etc.. Think about how gross it feels when someone is desperate. That energy is actually repelling so that's not the energy we want to cultivate around what we desire. We want to stay in the place of “wouldn’t this be nice” and actively staying in gratitude for the ways it’s already showing up in our life (even in the smallest ways).
Let’s get honest here, some of us can set up goals for ourselves, put ourselves on a plan and follow through. If you’re not one of these people and/or you have an open Will Center in Human Design then set yourself up with some accountability. Meet a buddy at an exercise class, tell your friend you’re doing to give them $10 every time you don’t follow through with your meditation, take away tv time if you don’t do your (attainable) goals each week, buy yourself something you’ve been wanting if you do follow through all month.
And that’s the other thing, make your intentions and your action steps something you can believe and that are realistic to accomplish. Build evidence that you can set action steps and complete them. Everyone can do addiction meditation for 3 minutes a day. Make your choices/craft your plan and then follow through and if you need some support or an accountability system to do so, no shame in that, honor your unique design, but don’t let yourself off the hook.
“If your vision doesn’t make you jump out of bed in the morning, you need a new vision. ”
Some times we need to look at the low to move to the high.
We’re not going to get very far if we have a lot of beliefs or things in our current reality standing in our way of what we want. If you are experiencing lack in some way in your life (or just less than you desire), let’s explore what the obstacles may be.
Write down anything you think may be holding you back when it comes to your intentions and how you would like to feel. If you’re not sure, guess, just start to write some things down. Sometimes in starting to unpack our old patterns and/or current blocks through bringing awareness and journaling, deeper ones will begin to reveal themselves. How do you feel right now? What are the dominant low frequencies? If you set an intention like calling in 5 new clients, or getting your art in a gallery or calling in a partner… what does the little evil inside narrative (we all have one) pop up to say? What are the inner fears, judgements, criticisms, core beliefs that may be an obstacle toward you attaining your desire? What about where you are in this moment do you want to change? What are your “too’s”… “I’m too much _________”, “I’m not enough ________” (eg; “I’m too old”, “I’m too young”, “I don’t have enough certifications behind my name”, “I don’t have enough experience”, “I’m not worthy enough”, “I’m not ‘healed’ enough”, etc…). Do a full on subconscious dump.
Obstacles can be tangible things like a relationship that feels like an anchor, a past relationship you haven’t let go of, a job that contributes to low self worth or is a result of (chicken and the egg), parents who said you couldn’t be successful as *fill in the blank*, you don't actually have the space, or any situation that isn’t lighting you up or serving you up high vibes, negative thought loops, strong emotional patterns. What do you need to clear the way to make space for what you want to receive.
Or it can be a belief that formed somewhere along your path. A lot of times these form in childhood when our brains are really malleable. Maybe your parents said you should be a doctor or a lawyer; that art would never support you and you fed that story over the years until it became solid. Maybe you have a destructive/default emotional pattern you feel you are stuck in; lack confidence, lost your voice, play small, don’t really believe you are lovable or worthy of what you desire, are so afraid of failure you can’t move forward or don’t commit yourself fully, are afraid of success… Maybe your community is unsupportive, judgmental, gossipy, in lack themselves, or just over all negative.. Maybe you want love but are still holding on to some aspect of an old flame that’s creating fear in your present…like you won’t find passion like that again. Keep a running list in your notebook and add to it when something new comes to mind. Sometimes just having awareness can help us shift our mindset, other times we need tools as allies to aid us in transformation. See some helpful resources.
Reading through the Deconditioning module, your Human Design, journal prompts in resources may help you excavate more.
Know that just having awareness around these things can create shifts. Journaling down to the root, the seed.
Next Full Moon - write them all out on separate sheets of paper and tear them up into a cast iron or abalone shell until they are tiny pieces. Do this from a place of love and release. Thank them for all they taught you, for protecting you along the way. And then burn them all safely. This can be a regular ritual for the Full Moon. Maybe you have some repeats that you continue to work to release.
Take them individually through Breathwork.
Bring them through Shadow Support and/or the Deconditoning Exercises.
Are you open to receiving? Really?
When people pay you a compliment, do you receive it and take it in or do you brush it off? If someone says lovely sweater do you say “thank you so much” or do you say “oh this old thing I got it at a thrift shop while not making eye contact”.
Do you have the space for what you want in your life?
Have you cleared the low vibrations?
Are you following your Strategy + Authority?
Are you taking good care of yourself (honoring your energy)? If say you’re calling in more clients or business… are you able to hold space for what you’re calling in?
Extra Credit: If you know you have trouble with receiving I recommend reading or listening to this book.