the amplification + the embodiment



When the moon is full the Earth, Moon + Sun are pretty much aligned, with the Earth between the Sun and the Moon, and the Moon at its closest to us. The Sun and the Moon are in direct opposition (180- 224*)

A Full Moon is a powerful ally. We can use this time to gain clarity and being to release anything holding us back or standing in our way from aligning with the intentions and wishes we set during the New Moon (or create new intentions now). We can utilize this energy to help us let go of anything that no longer serves our highest good; releasing old ways of being, stories, expectations and unsupportive people and situations. We can make adjustments to our current course. Many believe our energy and power is amplified on a Full Moon which means any work you do to release, align, set intentions, hold space for connection to your higher guidance will be greatly supported at the Full Moon and for a day or so on either side when we’re still in the energy. Pay attention to what is coming to a close and what lessons are here for you.

Because a Full Moon pulls at the waters of our bodies, the intense feelings or strong set points that may arise during this amplified time are information around what work you may want to focus on during the Waning Phase.

It’s also a time for letting go of things that didn’t pan out the way you’d hoped and also a time of celebrating all you have created in your life. Thank your guides, your allies, your ancestors, the Moon, the Earth, your teachers. Leave offerings.

Call in abundance + wisdom. Connect to what you want to cultivate. Reach beyond what you think you can achieve in your thinking mind. Visualize it coming to you with ease. Imagine the synchronicities and magic that can deliver your desires.

Wherever you put your energy; it is supported and amplified.

  • Side note: back in the day if you got your period on a Full Moon you were considered a witch. Many still believe it is a time of having much deeper access to our intuition and even more so if you’re menstruating.


A few days leading up the Full Moon begin to tune in to take inventory of what you’re ready to release and/or more deeply embody. The moon is getting brighter and brighter shining its light to provide clarity. Because of this amplified light, it’s a great time for Shadow work. There is opportunity in our light and our dark.

The Full Moon through the Signs can affect us differently, some stronger than others… mostly with excess energy and energetic evenings as there are more positively charged ions in the air, and emotions are being pulled up to the surface. Leading up to a full moon it can be helpful for me to be extra mindful about moving my body, really nourishing myself with food + calming my nervous system with herbs like oat straw tea and my all time favorite mushroom, reishi. Keep a journal of how you feel during different phases, but also when the Full Moon, especially, is in different Signs. See how it tracks for you + what information that also may offer you. Are you for instance more introspective on a Cancer Full Moon or is it opposite for you? What might this tell you about yourself?

mull over

As you create a steady practice you can begin by using this time to take a peak at your past New Moon lists or recent general goal setting lists and take note of all you have accomplished, dreams that have come to fruition. This is also a good time to clean up your lists and cross off the things that no longer feel important, or refine goals, intentions + actions as needed. It is also a time when what is challenging our growth or manifestation, stuck emotions, mental loops often come to the surface or at least raise their decibels. Pay attention. It’s all information and what you glean at this time may be most helpful in the long run. Stay open to all that wants to be revealed, whether from your own intense emotions, Higher Guidance, well + wise ancestors or benevolent Spirit Guides.

Take some time to take inventory:

  • What feels at the forefront? What thoughts and feels are running on repeat? Is there Shadowy energy, outdated stories? This can offer up much insight into the work that will best serve you in the Waning phase.

  • What would I like to do differently?

  • What has held me back?

  • Where do I make things harder for myself?

  • Where can I focus more healing?

  • What am I ready to release? Spend some time breathing, dancing, emptying out!

  • What actions am I ready to commit to daily? Are there action steps currently that need refining? Where do I need to begin again?

  • What am I ready to create? Where am I at with my New Moon intentions? What feels next in the process based on my current feels? How can I work smarter, not harder?

  • Take inventory of your current interests, patterns, themes and curiosities.

  • What have your dreams been telling you this month? If the frenetic energy of a Full Moon is keeping you up, try journaling out what’s coming through while you sip on a warm cup of Reishi tea or Bupleurum + Dragon Bone.

  • What is ready to be lovingly harvested? Where can I celebrate myself more?

  • What would you do if your core desired feeling was already realized? Looking to buy a bigger house - go to some open houses that are stretching just beyond your belief. Also amplify the ways the core wants already exist.

Write a page of gratitude as well as all the ways you feel abundant. When you’re writing these really take the time to breathe deeply and feel into what you have manifested. Remember a time when you wanted what you now have. Give thanks to the Universe and yourself for getting you here. Like begets like and this is one way we create more of what we want in our lives. Make an offering if it feels resonant.




Full Moons are an excellent time to spend in sacred community + connection (host a potluck, women’s group w/ intention setting, knitting circle, book club, make medicine) and/or spend time in a group healing practice like Breathwork, Sound Healing, or Meditation (especially Lovingkindness practice or Meditation on Sensation).

Take some time for you to sit at your favorite coffee shop and read a novel. Take a nap. Have a soak. Be gentle with yourself if you find that you are feeling the feels. You don’t have to do it all at once, you don't have to figure it ALL out right now. If you need to just take time to be, do that.

tools + rituals


A three card spread using any deck you like (tarot, animal, fairy, archetypes, etc…)

Shuffle your deck:

Card 1: What do I need to release now in service of my highest good?

Card 2: What needs greater embodiment?

Card 3: What energy will be most helpful in attaining ____________? (whatever you currently desire most) or - What are my next most aligned steps?


The Moon represents the Divine Feminine. In Tarot the Moon card comes before the Sun (subconscious exploring before higher consciousness) and it has been a bit feared or one to stir anxiety when pulled… although Tarot was originally invented by men and men were afraid of women. ;) When we draw the Moon card we know it’s time to dive deep; move through confusion, dig a little deeper, do some healing around our emotional bodies, look our fears in the eye, deal with our anxiety, trust in our intuition while also seeing the reality of what is, peel the layers and find the truth that exists in our most whole authentic self.

It is also a card of rhythms and trusting in right timing and the natural cycles of life.

Clear out the old

Take some time to release some things from your home, car, closet, tote that you no longer need. Clean out the old receipts from your wallet. Clear out your fridge. Cleanse the energy in your house by burning beeswax candles and juniper. Make space for the new in your environment as well. 27 is a magic number in Feng Shui, I love the practice of throwing out/donating 27 things that no longer serve me.

Cleanse your energy, any stuckness, old patterns, old vibes, emotions you’re holding! Find a practice for emptying out.

Make space.

A Full Moon is a great time for Shadow work.


The reality is, whether you are a Sacral or Non-Sacral being one of the quickest ways to flush out energy from our Sacral Center is by having an orgasm + the Full Moon is all about dialing your desires up a notch. Full Moons are notoriously linked to sex and sexuality. Maybe you explore something you’ve been wanting to try. Spend some quality time with yourself. Shake things up with a quickie in the kitchen. Check out the Sacral Toolbox + Emptying the Sacral for more aligned practices.

In human design

The gates that exist in our Moon have to do with the driving force moving us forward and our hearts//true inner nature. These gates push and pull us toward the lessons and gifts carried by the Sun. They want us to see the insight our Sun gates have to offer us and to be able to make those gifts realized in our world. They are a reflection and a motivating force. They ask us to stand up and be seen. You can see which gates live in your Moon on your Bodygraph.

Explore your Magnetism by Design in The Meeting Ground as well as your astrology in The Moon Field Guide.

The Emo + Solar Plexus module is also an aligned one to explore at this time.

tune in to your needs

Maybe it just means honoring your body by drinking more water, eating nourishing food, practicing new movement, dancing out some feelings, finally cutting down sugar.

What does you body need right now? Listen in and act accordingly.

Get creative

Full Moon’s are a great time for being creative and connecting dots through your intuition and higher guidance. If you’ve been stuck on an art project, now may be a good time to dive back in, or begin.

earth luck

The Full Moon can make us feel quite intense. In Feng Shui, it is never good, under any moon phase, to sleep with moonlight over us at night, though it will obviously be most illuminated at the Full Moon. So if you sleep under a window, be sure to have a heavy curtain.

moon bathing

Spend some time outside bathing in the light of the Full Moon. Let her nourish your soul. Ask her questions and then soften your gaze. Let her whisper secrets in your ears.

Place your crystals outside to be charged by the light of the Full Moon.

Put out a jug of water to absorb her healing + magical properties. Drink it, put it on your altar, water your plants with intention, add to your bath.

Think positive

We may not be able to think positively all the time but it is a time to be particularly mindful of your thought patterns. Even setting a timer and spending some time during the day thinking positively is powerful. The Full Moon will energize and amplify what you’re putting out.

Use the full moon as your manifestation ally. When I say think positive, what I really mean is FEEL positive. Sometimes our thoughts can influence our feelings and sometimes the other way around. Find your door in. The heart is 100 x’s stronger electrically and 5000 x’s stronger magnetically than the brain. And as I said, the moon amplifies (our emotions), so tap into elevated emotions from your heart space to align with your desires + also honor the low feels and move them through. We’re not looking to ignore, stuff, gaslight our feels. We can FEEL them and allow them to move through and then shift our perspective to a higher vibe.


Mantra is powerful technology. Learn + chant 11 recitations of Eka Mai to connect to the divine feminine, to the Sacral, to greater confidence and the energy of creation/manifestation within you. You can chant along with this gorgeous version or just listen on repeat throughout your day or on super low while you sleep.

Eyka Maaee Joogut veeaee

Tin Chele Parvan

Ik Sansari Ik Bandari

Ik Laa-ey Deeban

Jiv Tis Bhaveh Tiveh Chalaaveh

Jiv Hoveh Furmaan

Oh Vaykeh Ona Naadar Na Aveh

Baahoota Eyho Vidaan

Aadays Tisai Aadays Aad Aneel Anaad Anaahat Jug Jug Ayko Vays


Spend some time writing and visualizing what you would like to cultivate.

As you release old habits, patterns, limiting beliefs, emotions that keep you stuck and hold you back… who would you be? What could you create? How would you react? What might you accomplish with out this thing keeping you small? 

Write out affirmations reflecting this; letting them flow for 5-10 minutes. There is no wrong way to do this.

Here are some examples: 

When I feel worthy…

My healthy boundaries result in…

When I feel safe in my body… 

When I release….

When I breathe into the space before I react I… 

I am grateful for… 

Loving myself creates more…

When I connect to my higher self I…

When I embrace ease, I experience magic in…

When I release scarcity…

Write about the you who feels worthy, who forgives themself, who forgives others, who stands in their power, who has healthy boundaries, who takes up space, who is abundant. The you that is limitless. That is free.

Riff off your affirmations. Get lost a bit in the world you imagine. Notice which ones you can get on board with. ‘When I feel abundant’ can land much differently than ‘I feel abundant’. ‘When I’ gives us a minute to catch up to the belief through being open to the possibility. As you do this really feel into what you want to create.

more support

  • The Naming Practice

  • Insight Breathwork

  • The Design of your Knowing + strengthening your intuition. What is your intuition telling you? Are you listening? Are you honoring it?

  • Journaling, free writing (holding the intention to receive insight) + running desires + intentions through Clarity again. Do they need purification? Are they coming from ego or from your Soul/Heart/Service? Are your action steps? Keep checking in with the why’s + pulling that why thread down to its core nougat.

  • DANCE!!! And then dance some more. MOVE ENERGY!

  • Listen to whale sounds.

  • Draw cards from my favorite Ocean Oracle Deck.

  • Clean

  • Make a mandala or altar in nature for the Moon.

  • Primal scream + howl at the Moon

  • Get witchy. Cast a spell. We are spell casting every time we speak.

  • Go for a walk in nature

  • Explore a new interest.

  • Say yes to something you normally wouldn’t, say no to something you normally would.

  • Work with selenite, moonstone, sea glass or quartz.