the inner path




We are now moving into the subtle realms of the emotional body for the next several modules in The Meeting Ground. This is not meant to be a mental journey (or a rushed one) but an embodied one, one connected to the energetics, to the feels. To work in this energy we need to be able hold a compassionate container for ourselves, to parent, forgive, nurture and be gentle when needed.


Here we are visiting the energy of our Unconscious Moon. You can scroll down to see where to locate it and then find the gate description here + read the key in the Gene Keys book (if you have it). Our entire Unconscious Design is calculated about three months prior to our birth date. It is the hidden side, the underlying influence of our truth. Jungian analyst Gerhard Adler described the unconscious as “possessing a superior knowledge of our real needs.”

With the energy of the moon we have a constant waxing and waning, an ever changing, ever flowing energy. This energy in our design has to do with the roots of our human creativity, our emotional body and our sexuality. It illustrates why we magnetize someone to us at one point in our lives only to repel them at another.

The same way the moon is magnetic to the tides and the bodies of fluid that exist within our container, our frequency, our unique vibration, is constantly attracting and repelling people, opportunities, lessons, etc.. In Human Design our magnetism is deeply and profoundly tied to our emotions as is the watery energy of the Moon.

With attraction in the Unconscious Moon, we are mainly talking about our significant relationships and this can be positive or negative, as long as they seemingly have influence. We are here to take the journey through our inner landscape but it is our connections that will often be the catalysts for this transformation.

We cannot always quantify what it is that attracts us to certain people and not others, that turns us off or on. We are often attracted to the very thing that does not serve us. And a lot of this has to do with our Design. We do actually, in effect, complete each other. We define energies in each other, making access to new energies constant. We bridge each others splits, making each other feel more whole. We light up each others centers. This can be positive or negative depending on our level of attachment and grasping for it, our dependency and our autonomy.

And, when we’re attracting patterns that do not serve our highest good, we can look to our frequency and what we are broadcasting out into the world. In doing this we understand ourselves on a deeper, more profound level. We unpack our own patterns of wounding.


The Shadow of this energy is about our SACRED WOUND. We all carry through suffering + karma passed down through our ancestral line, woven into the fabric of our DNA.

This Shadow is not about right or wrong (no Shadow is); it’s simply that operating constantly through Shadow will lead to a default lack of fulfillment in ones life. This wound is tied to our sexuality and when we heal this wound its positive effects ripple into all areas of our life. We put out and attract higher vibrations.

With this Shadow we also want to think of them in the context of if the description fits us or the people we attract. We can blame our partners for our pattern when in reality they are just a projection of what we’re calling in. If we’re calling it to us, what are the lessons we’ve yet to learn? How might it offer us a deeper level of healing within our own vibration?

These shadows reveal the inner work we will repeat over and over until we have fully integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA. 

This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. These are the challenges we face over and over in our life. The healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to reach. 

This is the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality. 


As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and Highest Vibration) in the same container. 

When we form relationships we are combining auras, energies. In Human Design we are actually completing each other in a way. We attract people with defined gates on the other end of ours (making channels) and with centers that we do not have defined. We draw to us those that will bring more consistent energy, activating different archetypes within. When we combine energies sometimes it is comforting, sexual, friendly, challenging. Many times we get to tap into gifts we wouldn’t otherwise have consistent access to.

For the purposes of this work, see how much you can shift your perspective to view your relationships as an opportunity for your own evolution and up-leveling. Keep committing to opening your heart and bringing awareness, knowing that a lot of creative energy is released when we combine auric energies.

In understanding this energy in our charts we become more aware of our own part, we rewire our own reactionary patterns, we take responsibility, and we surrender, unlocking the higher vibrational gifts.

The highest vibration is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not something we try to attain. When we reach for it, we are playing into Shadow.

With this energy you reach the highest vibration through EMBODIMENT.


The line for this energy is the number after the decimal point of the gate. So if the number in the fifth box down of the red left column says 44.2, then your magnetism is in gate 44, line 2. The corresponding line colors your inner narrative. These lines have to do with how you react or respond to your dharma in this life. We can use the mirror of our relationships to help us transmute our Shadows to Gifts.
*if you need help locating, scroll down for a visual

Line 1

Emptiness vs. Fullness of experience. We can have sexual encounters that are satisfying in the moment but in essence empty. We leave them feeling scarcity instead of abundance. There is a lack of connection, a lack of heart.

The opposite of that is fulfillment. And I don’t take this to mean, as many in this field do, that sex is empty without love or wholesomeness. We can express creativity, tap into enjoyment, and connect with another human, and deeply with ourselves without it being love or needing to “go somewhere”. That is up to the individual. Above all this energy is looking for a positive feeling as a result of ones sexual experiences. It is important to feel they have gained and not lost. And when in alignment we attract experiences that leave us feeling satisfied, feeling pleasure, feeling lit up.

How does this translate in the energy of your Unconscious Moon Gate? Consider your past patterns. Put it all in the context of your own life.

Line 2

Lust vs. Passion. Inadequacy vs. Liberation. Lust is rooted in our own inner inadequacy. We feel somehow incomplete or unworthy and so we need someone else. It’s about putting our attention on other to avoid our own self awareness in some way.

Passion, on the other hand, is “lust with the heart open”. When we tap into our passion we lose our inhibition, the kind of awareness that keeps us somehow outside of our body, and instead are truly inside our own sense of pleasure. When we are in passion, we are sexually liberated.

How does this translate in the energy of your Unconscious Moon Gate? Consider your past patterns. Put it all in the context of your own life.

Line 3

Promiscuity vs. Playfulness. As with all 3 lines we have the energy of experimentation and adventure here. At the low vibration it is sexual promiscuity anchored in drama. This is a pattern of destructive relationships. And, it could be that you carry an energy of promiscuity or that you attract people who are promiscuous or simply don’t want to/can’t commit.

In its high vibration sex is all play and adventure. It’s pure enjoyment and it’s not taken too seriously when it’s either ample or when there may be a dry spell.

How does this translate in the energy of your Unconscious Moon Gate? Consider your past patterns. Put it all in the context of your own life.

Line 4

Distance vs. Intimacy. There is manipulation in this energy. The kind that shuts the F down and then blames you or makes you feel like it’s your problem. You might find you freeze out your partners when you feel threatened or you’re the one being manipulated. These are the folks that say “they’re fine” when it couldn’t be further from the truth. I used to have an acting teacher who said “fine” stood for Fucked up. Insecure. Neurotic and, hmm.. well, I can’t remember the E. But, you get the point. ;)

This is an energy that needs to be softened and it’s our responsibility to coax ourselves back open. Line 4’s respond to romance. And, when open and vulnerable, there is a massive capacity here for deep intimacy and a sweet openness in their sexuality.

How does this translate in the energy of your Unconscious Moon Gate? Consider your past patterns. Put it all in the context of your own life.

Line 5

Control vs Sensuality. This is an energy that uses their sexuality to remain in control in some way. They actually trap themselves in their own avoidance. They can typically have much invested in the image they present and it is their responsibility to recognize when they are are unconsciously manipulating the situation to remain in control. They are not going to pick up on the romance you are putting down. They are too busy “protecting” themselves.

When they get vulnerable and let their defenses down this is an incredibly open hearted, sensual and alluring energy. They have the power to help others open their hearts. It’s good to check in regularly and ask themselves in each situation if they are coming from an open hearted place.

How does this translate in the energy of your Unconscious Moon Gate? Consider your past patterns. Put it all in the context of your own life.

Line 6

Disappointment vs. Ecstasy. This line is always seeking perfection so it’s hard to not be disappointed in some way. There can be an early experience in life that somehow shuts this line down, that resigns them to a feeling of this is as good as it gets. It doesn’t matter if they are still in that relationship, they are still carrying that default setting into every subsequent relationship. This line has to shake themselves out of it and be open to the possibility of what they truly desire manifesting.

Recognizing that life is a process, shifting their perspective and focusing on gratitude will open them up to the infinite possibilities that exist for them. This can put them in touch with the high vibration of true sexual freedom.

Maybe you want to experiment with ecstatic dance to start tapping into the gift energy of ecstasy. ;)

How does this translate in the energy of your Unconscious Moon Gate? Consider your past patterns. Put it all in the context of your own life.


If you want to know the House you can get a membership to Genetic Matrix. This is the software I use. Or you can grab a snapshot here of all of your Unconscious Houses and then read about it here.


  • Look at your relationships. What might they be here to teach you in relation to these energies?

  • Are there any archetypes or myths that you feel resonate with the energy of your Unconscious Moon?

  • How do you use your sexual energy? Not from a place of judgement but just curiosity in patterns.

  • Meditate on these energies. Sit and breathe. Let it roll around in your mind like a marble.

Get creative. Write a story or poem, collage, sing, choreograph, dance, cook, daydream, walk in nature, sit with the trees, start a convo, paint, create from this energetic space.


Visit Shadow Support

  • Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?

  • Get clear on your Shadows here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Shadow module. 

  • Explore other potential Shadows in the center where this gate stems from in Shadow in Your Definition

  • Bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.

  • What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish.

  • Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.

  • Create an affirmation of the high vibration of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into and to check in with regularly so that you stay present with your Gifts.

  • Take good care of yourself.


  • The Moon Field Guide

  • The Sacral Toolbox

  • The Venus Outline (especially the gates of your Sacral + how they relate your desires).

  • Tune in to the cycles of The Moon.

  • Where are your MOON lines in your astro*carto chart. Bring in some influence from those energies to support you on your journey through your Moon Gate + to nurture yourself, connect to your emotions, desires and cozy vibes.

Unconscious Moon Example