
creating flow


First I want to say that this has nothing to do with gender. We all carry masculine and feminine qualities, anima and animus. These are some of the places to pull threads and see where feminine qualities of flow, desire, intuition, etc.. live and manifest in your chart. As you’re exploring these energies and reading about them, allow yourself to tap into your innate inner knowing. What do they mean to you?

  1. The Knowing Module on unpacking your psychic gifts and inherent psychic nature.

  2. Explore the Gates of your Solar Plexus through the lens of your desires, needs + passions. How do your emotions express themselves, through what gates. How do you feel it in the body? Do you have any channels connecting your emotional center to another center? Check out the Fear Gates module as well to see if there are any low vibrations to bring into your awareness for the Solar Plexus.

    • Is there anywhere that the intensity of your emotions clouds your ability to find clarity?

  3. Explore the Gates of your Spleen through the lens of your instinct especially when it comes to your physical body and The Root Chakra energy of survival. Check out the Fear Gates module as well to see if there are any low vibrations to bring into your awareness for the Spleen.

    • If you have a Splenic Authority this will be more in play, trusting those lightning bolt knowings. If you have the Center defined but it’s not your Authority then maybe listen to those strong instincts for smaller things but follow your Authority on any bigger decisions.

  4. Explore the Gates of your Sacral through the lens of your sexuality, creativity, flow/movement + vitality. What does your definition tell you about how your energy operates in the world?

  5. What Gates live in your Conscious + Unconscious Venus. How do these energies relate to your relationships, desires and how you attract. Where does Venus live in your Natal Chart (House + Sign)?

  6. What Gates live in your Conscious + Unconscious Moon. What does this tell you about your emotional landscape, your unique needs and your motivation? Where is the Moon in your Natal Chart (House + Sign)?

  7. Which if any of the four arrows in your chart point to the right.

  8. What does your Type, Strategy + Authority tell you about how you most authentically and ease-fully enter into relationship? What do your Profile Lines tell you through this lens?