the beginning

0-45*. Emergent. Coming out of the Dark. Felt Vision. Germination. Instinctive. Projection. Possibility.

Light is the left hand of darkness and darkness the right hand of light. Two are one, life and death, lying together like lovers in kemmer, like hands joined together, like the end and the way.
— Ursula K. Le Guin

support replay



Honorable mentions: Sakara, Bell Hooks: All About Love, Financial Literacy, Sadhana, Vishen Lakhiani, Year of the Water Rabbit, Year of the Chariot, Julia Cameron: The Artist’s Way, A Little Spark of Joy for Tarot

Other Tarot allies: the Aces + Pages

*if I missed something you’re curious about shoot me an email ;)

You’re not chasing the goal itself, you are actually chasing the feeling that you hope achieving that goal will give you.
— Danelle LaPorte, The Desire Map



Playlist: ANEW

journaling exercise


Free write around where you are now. Write this from the place of what you want to change, where you feel frustrated, stuck, blocked, angry, sad, insecure, afraid. Let the pen flow. Don’t edit. Let it be ugly. Get honest with your beliefs and stories, the patterns you are running on repeat, the low vibrations, the stories you would like to rewrite.


Free write in the present tense around where you want to be… “I am so grateful that I feel… That I have… That I’m connected to… Embodying… That my life feels f@cking ENCHANTED!!! Let it be JUICY, you can find more inspiration here. Write from all of your senses. Let it be detailed if that gets you excited or more general if that feels better. At the heart it is about getting to the core feelings and some of us find that with details while others can paint in broad stokes.

Use this to help you craft some action steps within this lunar container in the Waxing portal.


6 card spread

  1. What energy will most serve the core of my desire?

  2. What needs clearing to actualize my desire?

  3. Where/how do I need to invent new meaning around my desire?

  4. How can I grow my capacity?

  5. What will most bring me into greater resonance/coherence?

  6. What are the most aligned actions?

You might also simply draw, or choose, one card that you work with, as a talisman of sorts for your journey. This could be for an entire Lunar cycle, asking for an energy that will most serve you, or you could choose one for each major phase to center, meditate on, lean into, amplify across your journey.

seasonal intentions

There was some mention in the chat during the New Moon workshop by members who said they set their big yearly intentions on the Spring Equinox. This is a great practice as well! We always want to be mindful of nature’s seasons when we set our intentions as well as the season we’re in personally. This may mean you set very different intentions, as well as internal and external action steps, in Winter (or a personal winter of retreating and recharging) than Summer, or during different progressed moon phases or profected year vibes. It may mean, that like other members, you feel called at the beginning of Spring to plant your yearly seeds, or at the beginning of your Solar Return each year, or like me, as a Generator, you may have an idea of where you’re going (and big moonshot goals) but choose to focus more on the present and the next one to three months (a season). You can contemplate the energies of the seasons and how that might inform aligned intentions; for example inner work + shadow work in Winter, abundance work + creativity in Summer, new growth and collaborations in Spring, etc… It’s all an experiment! See what feels good for you.


planting seeds

Sit with pen and paper. Call your energy back and center yourself. Write some of your New Moon intentions and wishes on little separate pieces of paper in present tense. Leave them on your altar or under a crystal for a day or so to charge and then plant them in the Earth.

You cannot plant a seed and also hold it in your hand. Are you releasing it when you plant it to your highest good and light? Are you planting your seeds without attachment?

Alternatively you can chooses aligned seeds, like basil seeds if your intention has to do with prosperity, or yarrow for protection, and plant them together. Do some research around what plant allies are aligned with your dreams. Sit with the seeds prior to planting and imagine them being infused with your intentions. You can also put your little folded intentions in a new potted plant, like a money tree or jade plant and then imagine connecting to that energy, those intentions, every time you tend to it, or as with the first option, every time you pick a little basil from your plant to cook with.

*I mentioned offerings to your gratitudes in the replay. One way to do this might be to infuse seeds in your hand with your intentions and positive energy and then toss them out around your property, park or neighborhood.


If you find that you identify more with the “dark” energy of the New Moon phase. You can wait to plant seeds (above) till the first light of the waxing crescent and instead bring your attention during the darkest of the New Moon phase to cleanse. This may mean doing Breathwork, clearing clutter from your space, and/or taking a warm salt water bath to release tensions, and the “old”, imagine scrubbing it away with a salt scrub (easily made with favorite carrier oil, sea salt and essential oils) or I love those little Korean mitts. When you feel ready, wash it all down the drain in the shower, allowing yourself to connect with hope, with new fresh future energy.

Make each day your masterpiece.
— John Wooden

d a i l y c h e c k i n o p t i o n


What three things are you grateful for this morning?

Dig deep and do something different everyday. The people who picked your vegetables, the trashman, a new way to be sustainable, that account you follow that makes you feel good, those flowers you pass on your walk to the market, the way someone looked at you, your favorite cozy socks, the ability to see, the smell of the rain last night...

1. 2. 3.

What would you like to create today in line with this cycles core desire(s)?

Maybe you’d like to find a little more spaciousness in your day, try something new, get to bed earlier, take time to meditate, send that email, have more patience with your kid, do something nice for your partner or a stranger or have a bath at the end of the day. Maybe it’s something like being less defensive, being kinder to yourself, move up the emotional guidance scale, feeling more grateful for what you do have, standing in your power, forgiving, releasing, aligning, etc...

1. 2. 3.

What achievable action steps can you take towards that goal today? Try to take at least one intentional internal and external action.

1. 2.

Turn at least one of your desires into an affirmation you can check in with throughout the day.

For example: I choose peace instead of judgement today or work with something you’re calling in. If it’s not something you can believe then try re-wording it into being open to the possibility. Ie; I have a job I love where I make 100k/year. If this is something you want but cannot fathom it actually happening then change it to “I am open to the possibility of making 100k a year doing what I love” or choose a sum that is just stretching past your comfort zone as a step toward and love up on that idea, feed it until you can strengthen your belief/faith muscle.

Have a little extra time? Stream of consciousness, positive aspect or future self write (see journaling link above) 2-4 pages. Whatever comes to your mind, just get it out on the page, no check-ins with grammar or re-reading, this is just a purge to get your day started from a clearer and/or more aligned place.


Was there a time today when you didn’t feel your feelings (or took on someone elses) or marinated in low vibrations, limiting beliefs, etc…?

If so write it out and then take some time to breathe; dance a song, do some push ups, run around your house, pound your fists on your bed, tap through it with EFT, feel where it lives in your body and bring some breath there, sing a song, write a letter you’ll never send, PROCESS + FEEL IT! Set aside a few minutes (a specific amount of time) for this and then choose to let it go.

What minimum three ways (or write a page) did you feel abundant/supported/your desired core feeling today?

Someone gifted you their time, bought you coffee, held the door, gave you affection or support, paid you a compliment, you had an abundance of time for yourself, nature, access, stability, freedom, etc.. Feel into that abundance, support, love, positive feedback, compliment, that feeling that you got it right, etc... Take a few moments to breath that into your body, really FEEL it.

1. 2. 3.

What did you contribute today? How did you spread beauty? How were you of service? How did you embody love?

This can be in big ways or small kindnesses.

Plant seeds in your subconscious as you drift off.



+ think about how you can utilize the energy of this year (Water Rabbit, Chariot, Transits) + the weather you’re in (by Profection, Solar Return, etc…)cosmically to inform some aligned intentions and actions steps and include actions steps which take you deeper into integrating your Design + Astrology.