spring support


One of the best things we can do for ourselves in spring time is take some time to detox + cleanse. to make space.

This seasonal support is therefore focused a lot on that opportunity to utilize Spring as a time to nourish yourself through supporting your detox pathways and making some space: physically, mentally, emotionally + spiritually, because detoxification should be holistic. It is also just a supported way to lean into eating during Spring + incorporate some clean and nurturing practices for your body, mind and spirit that are aligned with the season.

You can use it anyway you like. You can do an actual cleanse (which I HIGHLY recommend) or just bring more of these foods and practices to your day to day. There will be lots of options for taking cleansing next level and it's up to you how deep you want to dive in. The more you integrate, the longer you commit, the more you will get out of it. You can choose your level of intensity and time that works for you. This might be doing it every other month for 7 days starting with your Follicular phase or the New Moon or when it works for your schedule for 6 months (so 3 times). Afterward, you can do it once a year or when your body tells you it’s time, or once a season honoring the elements (ie; gentler vibes for Winter - more soups, less raw, etc…). Or gentle cleaning with the Full Moons. It can be extremely really helpful to your body to cleanse for at least 7 days seasonally. You can also do a cleanse day each week. The possibilities are endless and it’s up to you to tune in to what feels right for you.

There are lots of ways to detox depending on your needs and the systems you want to focus on. Spring is often focused on the Liver + Gallbladder and opening up those pathways. There will always be a lot of support in This Is The Space as well as the yearly guided series.

Have fun! Try new things and new recipes. Create new habits. Make a commitment to your wellbeing and stick with it. Be gentle with yourself.

You got this. 

Let's get started: 

Set an Intention: if you are doing a detox, what do you want to get out of it the most? Physical detoxification; clearer skin, reduced brain fog, to feel lighter physically and/or emotionally, look and feel younger, more vibrant energy, to create more flow in your life, increase your magnetism, clear anger or irritability, feel more clarity…? Take a moment to get clear about what you want to gain. Maybe you want to write it down in your journal (more on that later). Or maybe you want to write it on a small piece of paper and plant it in the Earth. Maybe you want to set some intentions for the Spring regardless of if you do an intentional cleansing.

Getting ready and easing in: Make sure to stock up on foods from the "Eat this" list. Donate those on the No's or move them to the back of your pantry or fridge where they can't tempt you. Always, always have healthy snacks on hand. I like to spend one day a week doing meal prep. In the past I’ve also ordered Sakara for lunches and dinners - not ideal for 1st and 2nd Colors as it is a lot of variety, perfect for my High Sound) so I have healthy and quick options on hand. If you're someone who consumes alot of foods on the Elimination list on a regular basis then I recommend taking 3-7 days to ease in. Begin by cutting back on caffeine gradually, slowly eliminating white sugar, etc.. Take the time to adjust. If you eat a lot of sugar, you may experience some withdrawal in the first few days, especially if you don't ease into it, eliminating it slowly. This may include headaches, moodiness, sluggishness, flu like symptoms, etc.. But this will pass, and the other side will feel glorious! 

Below is all you need for a gentle cleanse. You can choose your own adventure and titrate how deep you go. You can also use it in preparation or as adjunct support for something deeper. There are functional medicine detoxes like this one which I’ve done before for the 21days and many times for 7, and then skip down to the practices + tools to support yourself through that process utilizing the aligned recipes within or using them to support you following. His book the Rain Barrel Effect is also pretty great. You can use these recs to help open up your detox pathways and then maybe do regular parasite cleanses (I like those cause they do heavy metals as well) around the full moon.

There are so many pathways to more holistically supporting our magical bodies. Find what feels most aligned for you. This portal evolves every year as I learn more and gather more resources for you.

spring cleanse


The No's: 

​To get the full benefits of doing a cleanse. I really recommend eliminating these foods completely:

  • Sugar; real or artificial (this includes maple syrup, honey, agave, xylitol, evaporated cane juice, fruit juice sweetened, Splenda, corn syrup, anything ending in -ose (eg; fructose) etc..)

  • All dairy

  • Eggs

  • All gluten-full grains (wheat, barley, spelt, kamut, rye, couscous, etc..); this includes flours

  • Corn and all corn derivatives (they are sneaky AF)

  • Fried foods

  • Meat in general but definitely red meat and especially processed meats/cold cuts, hot dogs, sausage, pork

    *if you feel you cannot eliminate meat then incorporate some ethically raised, high quality animal protein into your diet, focusing especially on white fish + salmon if you are going for longer and really feel you need it. If you’re looking to do a 7 day cleanse then I really recommend omitting altogether. For 21 days, if you really feel you need to, you might eat it at dinner a couple of times a week so your body is still getting a break. There are great brands out there like Force of Nature who practice regenerative agriculture and there are health benefits to eating high quality animal protein as well as seafood in your regular diet. But there are also big benefits to giving your body a reprieve.

  • Soy and all soy products. Look for that sneaky soy oil and soy lecithin on ingredients lists. If you tolerate it well, you may enjoy some organic sprouted tofu. I also really love alternatives like Pumfu or other alternative bean/lentil tempeh that is low + whole on ingredients.

  • Peanuts

  • Nasty oils (aka PUFA’s) like canola, sunflower, safflower, margarine, mayonnaise, most salad dressings, trans-fatty acids + reduce all oil intake; all vinegars (except Apple Cider Vinegar ‘with the mother’). Vegetable oils are something I try to avoid all the time. When I eat out I take Vitamin E (a PUFA free one) to counter balance and I also take it to detox from what I’ve already consumed as they get stored in our tissues.

    *You may also experiment with reducing oil, fat and nut content in general for your cleanse. This gives our bodies a bit more space to cleanse. If you’re heavy with the olive oil, try cutting it in half for example.

  • Alcohol (and preferably no tobacco)

  • Caffeine, soda/pop/soft drinks (they tax the adrenals and negatively impact liver detox). This includes brands like the beloved La Croix with “natural flavors. High quality mineral water like Gerolsteiner or Mountain Valley Spring are great options if you need the bubbles.

  • Condiments like ketchup, relish, soy sauce that carry sneaky ‘no’ list ingredients. Know that you can often find clean versions. Primal Kitchens is often a good brand to check. I also LOVE Dark Horse for condiments.

  • Chocolate (I KNOW!, I'm sorry). Just temporarily, I think chocolate can be a nourishing food for those that don’t react to it.

  • Overly spicy foods

  • Anything in a package for the most part but especially anything with ingredients you don't recognize as whole foods on the Eat list.

  • GMO's, pesticide laden food, MSG, sulfites

  • If you can't go full organic, check this years list of the Dirty Dozen (an easy google) + the Clean 15 and try to purchase the foods on the Dirty Dozen list organic.

  • Microwaved food (it's good to get in the habit of heating in the oven or on a skillet on the stovetop)

eat the rainbow

Instead eat: 

  • Whole foods - shop the perimeter of the grocery store for the most part or local farmers markets

  • Vegetables, vegetables, more vegetables (preferably lightly steamed, raw, juiced or roasted without oil)

  • Leafy greens get their own line because that's how important they are! Especially MUSTARD GREENS, chicories and bitter greens like dandelion! Also green juice like straight celery every morning!!!

  • Beans. The insoluble fiber will help carry toxins out of your body when you eat them away from fats. (like a couple hours). They can be a powerful ally. Also check out the carrot salad below!

  • Micro Greens + Sprouts: alfalfa, broccoli, clover, radish, etc.. A powerhouse for your health. 

  • Sea Vegetables: kombu, dulse, kelp noodles, nori, arame, wakame, hijiki

  • Live Cultured Kraut/Kimche; drink Coconut Kefir (when not sweetened with sugar), unsweetened coconut yogurt if you tolerate. Some take a break from fermented foods b/c of histamine reactions.

  • Fresh whole ripe fruits, especially berries, which are low in sugar

  • Eat lots of orange and yellow food (oranges, squash, carrots, cantaloupe, etc..)

  • Nut milk, Coconut milk (if canned - BPA free), Seed milks (preferably homemade to avoid all of the fillers which can be aggravating - see recipes below). Be mindful if you want to reduce fat to support your liver.

  • Quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat & millet (in moderation) if these pseudo grains agree with your body

  • Avocado oil and some ghee for cooking when you absolutely need an oil, otherwise cook with water or broth and add olive oil after.

  • Cold pressed olive oil + lemon for dressing.

  • Lots of water, LOTS!! At least 1/2 your body weight in ounces per day, preferably spring. Add a dash of high quality sea salt to mineralize and increase absorption if it’s not Spring water. You can also incorporate lemons, cucumbers, berries into your water to bring more life to it. We often drink hungry water. Make sure you are drinking filtered, high quality water with minerals. Also coconut water can be a great addition.

  • Herbs and spices (fresh herbs especially cilantro + parsley), dried herbs, coconut aminos, granulated onion, garlic) 

  • Choose organic whenever possible

print me 

for your fridge

Other tips: 

  • Focus on alkalizing foods like fruits and vegetables. Practice the 80/20 rule: 80% of your plate should be vegetables and the other 20% can be protein OR starch.

  • Practice proper food combining. Eat fruit on it's own (with the exception of combining with greens or to help process starch). Don't mix proteins. Don't eat proteins with starches. Example: Enjoy 20% quinoa or salmon with 80% veggies

  • Cook mostly in broth, poach, roast, or lightly steam. Avoid frying/sautéing in oil as much as possible 

  • Fill the diet with anti-inflammatory nutrients from flax and berries; as well as bitter greens like: dandelion, escarole, radicchio and celery to boost liver detoxification

  • Again, Legumes, if well tolerated help bind to toxins and draw them out (10%-20% of plate), soaked. If they cause bloating or gas, start small and build up your tolerance.

  • Soak your nuts and seed for easier assimilation if you are including. Eat minimally or eliminate as they are high fat.

  • Eliminate night shades (tomatoes (especially cooked), eggplant, potatoes (does not include sweet pots), peppers) in the event you question whether they're good for your particular constitution. This can be a good one to skip for A LOT of people! Listen to your body. Some folks also tolerate potatoes that have been cooked and then cooled. Experiment and listen in to your body.

  • Eliminate anything that you think may possibly be causing you irritation (eg; if every time you eat potatoes you get an upset stomach, eliminate potatoes)

  • Think of packing as many nutrients into each meal as you can, having variety and colorful plates; as well as variety of tastes: making sure to include sour, bitter etc.. unless you have 1st Color Determination and then keep it simple.

  • HYDRATE! Navigating the Waters Course here. It will blow your mind. Water is so imperative to our health and not all water is created equal.


hot tip…

enjoy a salad of raw mixed + bitter greens at the start of every meal with apple cider vinegar. Visit your local farmers market to try new greens.


allies + Supplements to enhance detoxification: 

  • Psyllium Husk taken every morning at least one hour before breakfast (1 tbsp with full glass of water).

  • Antimicrobials that kill bad bacteria: eat one clove of raw garlic/day (smash it and then let it set for 10 minutes, then swallow whole before bed) + also enjoy lemon, olive oil, onions, and broccoli.

  • N acetyl cysteine and/or glutathione - an antioxidant for you liver 

  • Spirulina - aid liver detoxification, also a good protein source.

  • Triphala which is a staple for me.

  • Beet Kvass - also very supportive for the liver.

  • quality probiotics

  • magnesium at bed time, you can take magnesium baths, take an ionic magnesium, use a magnesium oil or lotion on your belly and bottoms of feet, experiment with this oil, or add MagO if you need help getting your bowels moving properly (one good BM a day minimum)

  • See Herbal allies below 

*These are recommended brands but by no means required.

your herbal allies

nettles, dandelion root and leaf, lemon balm, rose buds, violet leaf, burdock root, yellow dock, hibiscus, milk thistle, red clover, cleavers


Infusion: pick a couple or few and add Tbsp each to a quart size jar, add boiling water and steep 4-6hrs then enjoy that quart throughout the day.

You can also make a tea (brewed for 8 minutes to enjoy twice daily).

You can pick up some or all of these herbs at your local co-op or herb shoppe. You can also purchase them at Mountain Rose Herbs. These are all safe herbal allies but every constitution is different and it's important to pay attention to how you feel! If you feel dehydrated after drinking an infusion with nettles then cut back or eliminate them from your next batch, or add some licorice or marshmallow to balance and moisten the infusion etc..

Infusions are a great practice to get into. An Herbalist, Susun Weed, recommended watering one of your house plants with regular water and one with an infusion and watch as the one you water with an infusion easily out flourishes the other. Infusions are packed with minerals and can often feel more hydrating than just water. 


Ginger tea with lemon is an easy go to.

Another great option is CCF Tea (Cumin, Coriander + Fennel seeds).

When eating: 

- Chew! Seriously. You're meant to chew till it's liquid (but who can do that really). Try at least 10-20 times. Even chew your smoothies (to aid digestion).

- Keep your blood sugar balanced!! Very important. Eat when you're hungry and always have healthful snacks on you. Try some of these (sticking to the ones within guidelines). 

- Stop eating when you're 80% full.

- Practice gratitude when you eat; for the plants, animals, the sacrifices made so you could be nourished, the farmers and ranchers, the people who picked your vegetables, transported them, stocked them, sold them to you, etc.. A lot goes in to that plate in front of you. Begin each meal with a gratitude practice. 

- If you really need something sweet you can use monk fruit or stevia (sparingly!) but I really recommend going without and eating fruit when you have a craving or drinking a warm cup of tea, like fennel. Stevia is VERY sweet and it's good during a cleanse to give up sugar completely and give your tastebuds a chance to adapt. Even two weeks off sugar (and stevia) will completely change those sugar cravings and leave you feeling more grounded and balanced. 


There are plenty of recipes and websites to dig into while you're cleansing.  And it can be fun!  Here are some recommendations and resources.

I also want to say that keeping it simple is great. If following recipes and cooking new dishes feels inspiring to you right now then go for it. If it feels overwhelming then cook some lentils, steam some broccoli and make a salad with olive oil and lemon juice dressing and call it a night. Whatever is going to keep you committed to the program, go with that, as long as it's within the guidelines. 

I highly recommend a day or two a week where you do meal prep. Always have things easily accessible. Have snacks with you to keep you on track!


​Homemade milks taste WAY better than store bought and they're missing all the additives. Which is a good thing! There are several options.

macadamia nut MILK (or any nut)

- Soak 1 Cup of raw organic macadamia nuts in enough water to cover by an inch and 1 tsp sea salt, overnight on the counter. You can cover with a dish towel. This breaks down phytic acid and makes them much more digestible. 

- Drain, Rinse and add to blender with 2 cups of fresh water. 

- Blend at high speed for 2 minutes or until the nuts are broken down into a fine meal and the liquid is white/opaque.

- Strain the nuts through a nut milk bag or through cheesecloth over a strainer. Be sure to squeeze out all the excess. 

- Store in the fridge

​*macadamia is low in PUFA


- Blend 4 TBSP of raw organic nut butter (almond, cashew, hazelnut, etc..) with 16oz of water.  Yep that's it. Nut milk. 

*you can also do this with coconut manna.


- Blend 1 cup or raw organic seeds (sunflower, pumpkin or hemp) in 3 cups of filtered water. You don't even have to strain! Just shake before using as separation will occur. 

- If you have any issues digesting seeds then I recommend soaking as described in the first recipe!


Grind in your spice grinder 1 cup of dried unsweetened coconut. 

Then add to blender with 1 cup water for one minute. Add 3-4 more cups of water to desired consistency. Blend on high for 3 minutes. 



​In a mason jar combine: 

-4TBSP chia seeds

-1 cup unsweetened alternative milk

1/2 TSP vanilla extract

​Put the lid on and shake to combine and then place in the fridge overnight. Breakfast in the morning. Top with some nut butter, unsweetened coconut flakes, fruit and/or chopped nuts. 


can be the hardest meal for some when on a cleanse. It's good to start thinking outside the breakfast box. Here are some great options:

  • One cooked white or purple flesh sweet potato baked and then topped with nut butter (I LOVE this one!) and a bit of cinnamon.

  • You can also go savory sweet potato and top with steamed greens and 1/2 an avocado, black beans, sprinkle nutritional yeast, s and p.

  • Warm cup of chickpea miso soup with scallions.

  • Chia pudding

  • Paleo Porridge: pulse food process 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut chips, 1/4 cup raw walnuts, 1 TBSP. hemp seeds. Add coconut yogurt.

  • Body Ecology's Quinoa Hash

  • Glowing Green Smoothie

  • Green Juice (any combination of greens you like + add lemon/lime and/or green apple to taste. 

  • Sweet Quinoa - cook sprouted quinoa as directed. Add some unsweetened coconut flakes, nut butter, alternative milk, ground flaxseed, and coconut yogurt.

  • This crazy grain free 'oatmeal'

  • Leftovers!


  • Sauté one large chopped yellow onion and a few cloves of garlic minced in ghee or a bit of broth until fragrant and translucent over.

  • One head of organic cauliflower chopped and enough veg broth to cover. How much is preference as I like my soup thick. Always check labels as there is often hidden sugar.

  • Cook until cauliflower is soft and then season with salt, pepper/chili flakes and nutritional yeast to taste.

  • Once it's cooled a bit carefully add to blender and puree. I often add a jar of rinsed artichoke hearts at this point.

    *You can also easily sub broccoli or butternut squash for the cauliflower. Option to top with some fresh dill.


  • ​Sauté one medium yellow onion, 3 chopped carrots, 3 chopped celery stalks and 1-3 chopped garlic in coconut oil until onions are fragrant and translucent.

  • Add 4 small (or 2 medium) chopped white sweet potatoes, and filtered water or stock to cover by about 1/2” + a spash of apple cider vinegar and bring to a boil, reduce to simmer for 20 minutes or until potatoes are soft to fork.

  • Add one bunch of chopped dandelion greens and one bunch of chopped spinach and simmer for another few minutes until wilted (but still bright green).

  • Add salt and cayenne pepper to taste and blend till smooth.

  • Top with 1/2 a chopped avocado and a couple of tbsp’s of hemp seeds.


1 cup wild blueberries frozen

1 banana

2 cups coconut milk

this clean protein

Blend until smooth

Simple options


​This is my go to. You basically just fill your bowl with 20% protein like legume or pseudo grain (like quinoa) and 80% variety of cooked and raw veg! When you do your meal prep day it's good to make different cooked veg to throw in throughout the week with some salad and cultured veggies! 

​Here are some good options but the variations are infinite: 

- 1/2 avocado

- slice red radish or watermelon radish

- roasted root vegetable (sweet pot, yam, parsnip, celery root, etc..)

- steamed broccoli, or cauliflower

- shaved bok choy

- sliced cucumber or jicama

- mixed raw greens (especially bitter!)

- roasted mushrooms

- cooked (I love roasted!) or raw cabbage

- roasted brussels sprouts

- beets!

- steamed greens

- live kraut/kimchi

- seaweed

- zucchini fries

- roasted fennel

zucchini hummus

- beans

Top with:

-shaved fresh hoseradish

- fresh herbs (cilantro/parsley/dill/etc..)

- sprouts

- olives

- pumpkin or sunflower seeds

- walnuts

- micro greens

- black sesame seeds

- olive oil and lemon juice

- pesto

this cheesy sauce (omit cornstarch)

- tahini dressing

  • 1/2 cup tahini 

  • 1/4th tsp sea salt, plus more to taste

  • 1/4th tsp garlic powder

  • lemon to taste

  • 1/4 cup (80 ml) warm water, plus more as needed

​Noodles + sauce: 

​If you don't have a spiral slicer don't fret you can always julienne or most groceries now carry spiral sliced zucchini, squash and sweet potato. 

​You can also enjoy spaghetti squash or (in moderation) chickpea or quinoa noodles!

​There are SO many good pesto sauce recipes out there!

Simple one:

4 cups baby spinach

2 cups cilantro leaves and stems

1 TBSP chickpea miso

1 garlic clove

1 tsp toasted sesame oil

1/2 cup avocado oil

1 tsp lemon juice

salt to taste

​Blend in food processor! Add to warm pasta with 1 tbsp coconut oil. Top with sesame seeds. 

Carrot Salad

The magic of the carrot salad

Grated or ribboned carrot with apple cider vinegar and coconut MCT oil or olive oil, S+P. Carrots are said to help remove toxins and excess estrogen. This is an easy add to your daily menu which can offer benefits for headaches, anxiety/depression, gut health, PMS issues, and more. If it gets boring you can add beets, apples, chives, parsley, cilantro, additional spices, etc.. to mix it up. This is part of my daily routine.

Well cooked button mushrooms + bamboo shoots can also be beneficial if carrots aren’t your jam.


The less sweets you eat, the more benefit you'll gain as far as detoxing from sugar. We are addicted and we need a couple weeks without to really alter our taste buds. Try when you're having those after dinner cravings to reach for a cup of tea instead or piece of fresh fruit. Fennel and licorice teas are both great for curbing sweet cravings as well as chai, mushroom or vanilla rooibos with some alternative milk.

 Here are some sweet options: 

​GOLDEN MILK (highly recommend)

- warm full fat coconut milk on med-low until warm

- add tbsp of ground tumeric and a dash of black pepper

- pour into blender and blend with one date

- enjoy warm as a nightcap before bed!

(you can also add some cardamom or saffron if you like)


- in a high speed blender blend a little less than a cup of  frozen wild blueberries and a frozen banana - add alternative milk as needed to create ice cream consistency

- you can also add a tbsp of raw cacao

There are lots of stevia sweetened baked goods and such that you can use in moderation when transitioning around sugar. But this time is about detoxing so try to stick with it, or I should say, without it! Stevia can be tricky and I don’t really recommend it long term. It’s sending false signals to your body.

Even when I am not actively cleansing I focus mostly on eating fruit. When I do want something else I sweeten with maple syrup or honey (which both have health benefits), or some monkfruit while enjoying some coconut sugar or white sugar on occasion.

Bliss balls (in moderation)

  • 1 ½ cups/ 12 Oz. Medjool Dates (at room temperature)

  • 1/3 cup/ 2.5 Oz. Macadamia nuts

  • 1 tablespoon favorite nut or seed butter

  • 1 tablespoon Cacao Powder

  • ¼ teaspoon Ground cinnamon

Next, pop all the ingredients into a food processor or high speed blender and blitz till combined.  Then roll into 12 evenly sized balls.  Store in the fridge in an air tight container and you'll have easy sugar free snacks on hand for the week.

Adapted from My Sugar Free Kitchen.

A P P L E   S A U C E 

This is great to incorporate daily as green apples are a great ally for your liver and cooked apples are much easier for your body to digest.

Peel, core and chop green apples and add to pot. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and water to boil.

Cook till tender, drain out any excess water. Add big tbsp of coconut manna and blend in blender with a pinch of salt and dash of cinnamon. Enjoy warm.


hot tip…

Add Goji Berries to your water bottle. They'll rehydrate and infuse your water + you can eat them too!

recipe link inspo

DRINK loads of green juice if accessible. This can replace some of the water and will be more absorbable hydration (as well as the Infusion)

Zucchini Blueberry Smoothie

Detox Darling

Calming Greens

Green Milk

Godzilla Green Juice

Green Smoothie​​

EAT lots of organic vegetables and greens + simple meals 

Acai Bowl

Endive Salad

Quinoa Salad (be sure that the quinoa is only 20% of your meal by adding more greens or eating with other vegetables)

Kale Salad 

Kale Chips

Healthy Cole Slaw

Cashew Cheese - use Apple Cider Vinegar/not wine :)​

Onion Dip - to enjoy with crudités!​

Zucchini Hummus

Onion Bread  - sub coconut aminos for nama shoyu​

Vegan Shepherds Pie

Sweet Pea Millet Cakes - again a 20% of your plate food! Use Avocado Oil Mayo and skip the sweetener​

Sweet Pea + Pearl Onion Zoodles - use stevia/not maple​

Cauliflower Fried Rice - double coconut aminos in place of tamari, sub avocado oil for grapeseed​

Cauliflower Pizza (use chia egg substitute)​

Roasted Spaghetti Squash

Black Bean Bowl 

Cabbage Soup

Kabocha Soup

Creamy Nettle Soup

Creamy French Lentils with Mushroom and Kale - sub apple cider vinegar for white wine and coconut aminos for soy sauce​

Roasted Cabbage with Almond Sesame Sauce​​ 

ARTICHOKES are great for your liver. I cut off the top and 1/2 the stem, squeeze a lemon over + salt and steam for 30 minutes (until you can easily put a fork through the stem). I eat them with more lemon, drizzle of olive oil + lots of sea salt.


There are lots of websites out there with healthy recipes to find and inspire. In many cases, you can eliminate or sub out ingredients that don't suit the protocol. For instance, you can sub coconut aminos for soy sauce, a lettuce or collard wrap for bread/tortilla, alternative milk for dairy, etc.. Always go through ingredients thoroughly but here are some rad sites to explore:​

Nutrition Stripped

Sakara - also does meal delivery

Kris Carr


Whole 30

My New Roots​

The First Mess

Green Kitchen Stories

Minimalist Baker

Body Ecology Diet

some legal indulgences sparingly


Listen to your body and honor its needs. Pick some practices that resonate with you.

Exercise: movement boosts the effectiveness of all of the elimination channels at once. It's good to stay away from super high intensity workouts when cleansing but it's important to move everyday and have dedicated exercise. Brisk walks, taking the stairs, yoga (especially twists), cycling, swimming, and rebounding are all great activities. Also, Dance! Pop your headphones in your ears and dance around your living room. Like no ones watching, cause they aren't. ;)

BONUS.. do it outside. Get the sunlight in your eyes first thing. Get sun rays on your bare skin.


MOVE YOUR BODY gently 20 minutes a day minimum.

It's also a good practice to walk 100 steps after each meal. 


Legs up the Wall encourages relaxation as well as stimulates lymph and blood circulation.

Twists are good for enhancing digestion, wringing out the organs (especially the liver), and increasing circulation.

Inversions: send blood to the liver and kidneys aiding in detox.

Locust Pose: for stretching the liver

Deep forward bends: good for elimination. 

Restorative postures are good for dealing with stress and calming the nervous system which aids in detoxification. 

Yoga Nidra is also a great form of restorative yoga/meditation.


Rest: take time to rest, take a nap, go to bed early. Your liver is doing most of its work between 11p and 2am so it’s important as often as you can to go to bed before 11p.

Support your local farmers market or Co-ops or CSA box! Shop at an ethnic market. Try a new food!

Massage: helps our body release toxins and stimulate lymphatic drainage. It's also nurturing self care. This lady is a great follow. Foam rolling is great for self massage and flushing the tissues.

​You can massage/stimulate acupressure points to aid with liver detoxification. More on this in This Is The Space.


Infrared Sauna: Sweat it out. All saunas are great but my absolute favorite are infrared which boost sweating while also being less intense temperature wise. Find my favorite here.

Dry brushing: Dry brushing is an easy way to aid detox and a practice you can do daily as part of your regular self care. It only takes a couple of minutes. I hang mine on the outside of my shower to remind myself. Video on the series page.

Chanting: Chant OM out loud in the sunshine for 20 minutes (if possible with your belly getting sun as well) to support your liver to cleanse.

Hydrotherapy: As it warms up a tiny bit this becomes easier for me. Alternating between hot and cold (as cold as you can stand) at the end of your shower a few times is hugely beneficial. Even just ending your shower on cold is a great practice (unless your cold natured/super Vata like me in which case end on warm).

Benefits include: improved circulation, stimulating detoxification, decreased inflammation, increasing energy and well-being, and even helping to stimulate good vibe brain chemicals. 

Castor Oil Packs (not recommended for pregnant folks): Ok, so I'm super lazy about this because I won't do it otherwise and I see plenty of great effects from my lazy way of doing it. Here is the full rigamarole which if you have time for is great!! 

Here is the way I used to do it:

I lay down on my bed with a good book, to meditate or practice yoga nidra. Drizzle the castor oil onto my belly and rub in a bit focusing under your right rib cage and then I place a towel over and heating pad on top and leave for 30+minutes or until I'm ready to go to sleep. By then all the oil has absorbed into my body and onto the towel. You can re-use the towel a few times before washing. Easy peasy.  

I recently purchased one from Queen of Thrones which has made my life so much easier. I used it for two months, then I washed it and rather than replace it I bought some flannel which I drench and lay over my belly and then wrap it around so I don’t have to use any plastic wrap. I put heat on for about 30 minutes and then I sleep in it.

 *For the purposes of this cleanse I recommend at least once/week over your liver which is located under and below your right rib cage (I do the full area; liver, GI, reproductive system, pancreas), but preferably every evening. This is not something to do over your reproductive organs if you're trying to get pregnant or currently menstruating but is still fine over your liver. However, if you're not pregnant or trying to conceive it's a great way to help detox and flush out stagnant energy in your reproductive system. I do them often.

ps...You can also use castor oil packs/soaks for arthritis which people have found successful. She mentions it in the 'rigamarole' article. When using for this, I like to add a little cypress essential oil.


Epsom Baths &/or Foot Soaks: Great for detoxing and nourishing your nervous system. You can add essential oils, crystals and herbs to your liking. Check out this lady who really knows how to take a bath! You can also cover yourself in bentonite clay mask and then take a warm epsom bath.

Neti Pot + Facial Steams: To open up your sinuses and clear your lungs. Neti pots are great for 

clearing out the nasal passages and helping to eliminate toxins and allergens. Always make sure to boil your water and then let cool. 

​To do a facial steam simply pour boiling water over a bowl of herbs or a few drops of essential oil(s) (some good options are: pine, cedar, mullein, eucalyptus, thyme, sage) and place your face over the bowl with a towel over your head at a safe distance inhaling the vapors. 

Mouth: Begin your day by tongue scraping (can also use a spoon).

Abhyanga // I try to do this at least once/week. It's incredibly soothing to the nervous system among many other benefits. I use organic Sesame oil because of its grounding & warming properties but you can also find what's right for your dosha. If you're unsure Jojoba oil is good for all. You can often find oils in bulk at your local coop. 

Frequency // If you have a Healy these are some of my most favorite programs to support your detox. You can use one of the protocols, go simple and just use Pure or Pure + Release, you can do a scan and see what comes up for you, muscle test, follow your intuition, hone in on the liver and gallbladder, do you…

  • The Deep Cycle Protocol: First and foremost you can use this series as an ally or catalyst for your detox. It is a POWERFUL program and there is a beautiful guided journey with its own prompts and many guided practices inside the community which my folks can find linked in the Ancient Future Portal.

  • The Power of Three Protocol especially timing it with the lunar cycle and using Zapper around the Full Moon.

  • Gold programs: Pure, Release, Balance, Relax

  • Meridians: especially Liver, Bladder, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, Gall Bladder, Fatty Degeneration, Lymphatic System, Stomach, Kidney, Spleen, Lungs.

  • Bioenergetic Harmony: Gastrointestinal, Bacteria, Liver, Impurities, Lung

Mind + Spirit

Cleansing is not just about cleaning toxins from your physical body. Stress, the way we walk through the world, our thoughts, the stories we perpetuate are just as influential on our overall health as what we put in our mouths, if not more so. So, I invite you to take on as many of these practices as you can make time for during the cleanse. Afterwards, you can carry the ones that resonate most and/or the ones that feel the most challenging (because let's face it, that's usually what we need) into your everyday lives. 


Morning Pages: I'd really like you to make this one a must over the course of your cleanse. It's pretty simple. Get yourself a new pretty journal if that will motivate you. First thing when you wake up each morning, make your mug of warm lemon water and then sit down and stream of consciousness write four pages; without editing yourself, without correcting grammar, without driving the topic with your mind; simply write freely. Just do it. Your life will change for the better. 

Meditate: I encourage you to find some silence and stillness every day. If this means sitting on a cushion and actively meditating that's great, do that. Every day, whether that means a half hour or three minutes. If it means sitting on your porch or in nature and just being with yourself in silence, watching your thoughts, that works too. Make this daily commitment to yourself. There are great apps if you want a little guided meditation like: Headspace or Calm. You can also find free meditations on my IGTV. + some of my favorites here. Or check out the work of Joe Dispenza. 🙌

I love this Inner Smile Meditation below for loving up on your container.

Mantra: Recite the Ho’oponopono Prayer to your organs. Tune in to them, activate their intelligence, healing + regenerations. Ask for their forgiveness, express gratitude, invite them to heal + come into harmony + vitality.​

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.”

Daily dose: Print this document. Cut them into cards, shuffle and draw one daily to be completed that day. 

Breathwork: Incorporate 5 minutes of Breath of Fire to your practice each morning. A favorite practice of mine.

Gratitude Journal: Every night before bed, write down 5 things that you're grateful for that day and ways that you are abundant (maybe someone bought your coffee, or complimented you, your partner rubbed your feet, etc..)

Offer gratitude for your food every day. Set an intention or prayer and then blow it into your water infusing each glass with your intention.

with love


Smoke Cleanse: People constantly comment on how good the energy feels in my space. It's not by accident. Picking a place for me is as much about a feeling as it is about aesthetics (‘cause picky Markets folk over here). I also have lots of plants, salt lamps and crystals which influence the energy, and I smoke cleanse, a lot. Sustainably sourced Copal, Cinnamon sticks, Cedar, Yerba Santa, Frankincense, Juniper are all good choices for clearing energy. It's something you can do everyday (and a great morning ritual or before bed) but it is especially important after a fight with your partner or after your kid has a tantrum or you're been sick, etc..

Be Creative: however this looks for you. And, I invite you to try something new. Paint, sculpt, sketch, color, etc.. Try it without a goal in mind. 

Sing: In the car, in the shower, at karaoke with your friends. Chanting. Primal screaming is also great, especially when you're in your car where no one can hear you. I also like to do it in nature. This is my favorite playlist for mantra. You can google them to find out what they’re for. :) Collective members can read about some of my favorites here.

Share your feelings: Make a commitment to stand in your truth, to be honest, to move through your emotions and to be clear about your needs and your boundaries. Be open. 

Process anger. Anger + frustration (Not Self themes of Manifestors + Sacral beings) are connected to the Liver. Take some time to feel the feels + process them, even tiny resentments ignored + stored over the course of your life can build and influence.

Limit your fear intake: Avoid TV, news and programs that feed fear. It’s good to limit your screen time in general and get your body outside as much as possible. Titrate the news in ways that are healthful and resonant for you. Even if you have say, a Power Perspective, you can be intentional about the ways you take in information, choosing to do it your way, at a time when it feels good to you to take it in from sources + formats that feel in alignment.

Mindfulness: Watch your thoughts, watch your stories, watch your reactions out in the world, in your everyday life, when your washing the dishes. Every time you catch yourself tangled up in negative thoughts or judgement simply have the awareness (SHIFT) and then bring your attention back to your body (your breath, the connection of your feet to the floor, soften your jaw) say to yourself I choose to see love instead; and let it go. 

Cultivate a half smile: When we're happy we often smile. This works in reverse as well. When we smile it sends messages to our brain that we're happy. Try it. You can do this when you meditate, when you're stuck in traffic, when you roll out of bed on the wrong side. Watch how it creates shifts. 

Garden: It's spring! Get your hands in the dirt and your feet on the Earth. Plant something, something beautiful, something you can eat, something that brings you joy. I LOVE eating tomatoes off the plant and the smell of tomato oil on my fingers. Find what lights you up!

Sunshine: Spend time soaking up the sun. Practice gazing at the sunrise or sunset. Get sunshine on your body, especially your back and belly.

Artist Date: This (and the Morning Pages) come from a great book called The Artists Way. The artist date is another practice that I LOVE. It basically means taking yourself on a date every week. Go solo. Do something that you love, something that interests you, or something that you'd like to learn, etc.. Go to a concert, take a pottery class, take yourself out to dinner (at a place that's cleanse friendly) with a good book (or just sit with yourself and eat mindfully).

Obsessed with all the brooms at Sunhouse Craft

Spring Cleaning: go through your house and make some space, clean out your closet, the junk drawer, the console in your car. When we make space in our environment, we create more internal space as well.

Determination: get to know your unique determination/nutrition in Human Design and lean in. This will help you to tap into your correct perspective, motivation, and intuitive clarity as well as your Spidey-sense.

Easing out

If you’re doing a dedicated cleanse

You have been eliminating a lot of foods that can wreak havoc (hello sugar) on the body as well as be potential personal triggers and intolerances. I highly recommend easing back in; introducing any of the major foods (eg; gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, corn, night shades etc.. ) one at a time and monitoring for any reaction. This is your chance to find out if it's really gluten causing you joint pain or you always thought maybe tomatoes gave you a headache... Listen to your body and take your time. A reaction can carry through for a couple weeks. Regardless whether or not you practice this form of reintroduction, do ease back in. Don't head out on day 22 to eat a hamburger, fries and a hot fudge sundae. 

This plan is something you could pretty much continue your whole life. We eliminated foods you can go without. However, that may not be realistic.  A good plan of action is to eat clean at least 80% of the time. And, in that other 20%, try to make the more healthful choices when it comes to cheats. Maybe sometimes you just need the full dairy with the works sundae, but maybe sometimes you'd be happy with some coconut ice-cream or a fairly healthy brownie sweetened with monk fruit or coconut sugar. Also, if you are going to eat something unhealthy, at least choose the most delicious, well crafted version, don't waste it. 

Every choice we make, everything we put into our bodies, has an impact. I hope you've found lots of tools, knowledge and practices to carry into your life far beyond this cleanse! I'm so grateful you joined me. Check out this post on Homogenized Diet Culture as well. Follow what works best for you!

May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be free. 


Allergy Support

I’ve been dealing with allergies my whole life. I was practically the kid who needed to be put in a bubble, or most often, an oatmeal bath with, unfortunately, many rounds of steroids + inhalers and mistreatment with antibiotics. Needless to say, I’ve done my research. These are my most favorite remedies when dealing with allergies:

- Allergena Zone Homeopathic Remedies is #1
- Quercetin in the morning on an empty stomach
- Neti pot for filtering out allergens
- Reish tea and/or Rooibos
- Breathe Oil especially rubbed on the bottoms of my inner feet where the veins are close to the surface and rubbed together in my palms and then breathed in like an inhaler.
- Propolis Throat Spray
- Local Honey (alive, high quality) + Bee Pollen
- N-Acetyl Cysteine
- A quality air filter
- Regular detoxification