the exterior

45-180*. Moving Beyond the Past. Pulling Threads. Inventory + Refinement. Activating. Do The Things. Amplification. Habits. Building. Growth.

From around Day 3/4 to Day 15 ish

dispatch | support MONOLOGUE

It is almost always about the work. The work of summoning devotion, again and again. The work of seducing your inspiration. Of choosing to listen to your inner compass. The work of resistance and protest. The work of service. The work of your work.
— Sarah Faith Gottesdeiner


  • What daily (cumulative) actions will serve your core desire(s)? How can you show up EVERY DAY?!

    Play around with your plan. Experiment. Does it serve you to set action steps every month? Week? Morning? Does it feel good to have some bigger goals for the cycle and then 1-2 weekly actions? One new thing you commit to daily?

  • What intuitive nudges are you feeling from the Universe? Do you keep getting little sparks or hits of things that might serve you?

  • What skillset(s) do I need to develop to support my desires. Are there better techniques for doing things?

  • Are you open to receiving?

  • Do you you feel worthy of what you are calling in or do you need to do some work around this? Do you have an open heart center? (if so, might it also benefit you to have an accountability buddy?)

  • What do you feel like are the conscious obstacles in the way of your dreams materialized?

    How can you turn them into projects, not problems?

  • Are you tuned into (and inviting) synchronicities in your life?

  • Turn you core desired feelings into mantra (and/or work with one that is aligned) you can check in with and repeat throughout the day.

Planning is essential. Plans are useless.
— Winston Churchill


Contemplate, marinate on one or a few of these archetypes in the Tarot: the Empress, the Magician, the Knights.

The Knights through the Suits:

  1. Cups - Water - Emotions + Relationships

  2. Pentacles - Earth - Abundance/Prosperity + Success

  3. Wands - Fire - Joy + Inspiration

  4. Swords - Air - The Mind + Communication

Maybe you find one that feels like an ally, a talisman of sorts to return to center.

You might also pull a card from your favorite deck each day to help shape + support the energetics around your actions.




To expand on the attention to direction video. As an exercise every night amplify your core feeling. Spend some time with your journal taking inventory of your day and all the ways in which you experienced it. If you are looking for clarity + Divine connection as your core feeling: notice the ways you felt guided, you felt in the right place at the right time, you saw numbers in repetition or meaningful patterns, you asked for a sign and received it, you were in awe, you experienced kindness or beauty, you felt a higher hand in something, you spent time connecting, meditating, stargazing, inviting, opening, something felt synchronistic, you had deja vu, note your dreams, the time you took to cultivate spaciousness, the moment you felt clear in a decision, in a feeling, when you felt inspired, the ways in which you leaned in to strengthen your intuition, the little Splenic hit you got or Sacral knowing around something tiny or something big, etc… etc… Blow it up, romance it, love it, feel it in your body, breathe it into your bones, make it creative, artful, beautiful, offer gratitude, recognition, awareness, honor, celebration.

If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. if you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. whatever good things we build end up building us.
— Jim Rohn

conscious repatterining

Do the releasing + rewiring of the conscious patterns, thought loops, stories, habits that don’t serve you.

  • Cut cords and tethers from the past.

  • Rewire conscious patterns and ways you are operating from low vibrations using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique).

  • Utilize mindfulness to check in with what set points and stories you are telling throughout the day.

  • What old conscious wounds are holding you back? For example, it may be time to evaluate your Money Story if you are working on prosperity, or other themes.

  • Do things that create new neural pathways!

  • What keeps you focused on positive outcomes? For instance bibliotherapy is really powerful for me ie; reading or listening to books or other content I find inspiring + aspirational.

Divine to do list

Focus your energy on what you can control + take manageable steps to shift + up-level. When it comes to the things you cannot control, write up a Divine To Do List, whether to your Guides, Angels, Elementals, Higher Mind, Source… asking for their assistance.

Mind is a flexible mirror, adjust it, to see a better world.
— Amit Ray

Take goals seriously. A twenty year study involving students in a certain Ivy League university in the US traced the lives of one graduating class. Three percent of that class had their own written goals at the start of study. By the end of the twenty years, that 3 percent was worth more financially than the other 97 percent combined. They also reported more satisfaction and joy in their lives.
— A Happy Pocket Full Of Money