some of my favorite tools for growing your financial abundance
Artwork: Dustin Abbott
Prosperity derives from the Latin word prosperus, meaning “doing well.” Pronouns include golden, flourishing, and thriving. It is not just about money, but prosperity in good health, in resonant community, friendships and family relations, in love, in joy.
When we follow what lights us up, what nourishes our energy, what feeds us, we prosper.
Get clarity
Each month get really clear about what you want to attract financially. Make it a little stretch but realistic. For instance if you’re making $1000/week and you want to be making $5000/week find a number to step up to between those amounts that feels possible to you. Visit the Clarity module for how to break down your intentions for the month and create actionable steps. Think about why you really want the money… what is it going to offer you. It needs to come from a place of expansion, not fear.
Your unique blueprint
There are eight frequencies of abundance, we don’t all manifest money the same way. Yes there are overarching themes and energies that are at play but we all also each have our own unique way in. Explore your definition in your Self Center to tap into yours.
In addition look to your Jupiter Gates as well as Sun, Earth + North Nodes in the Meeting Ground.
Do you put your purse/wallet on the floor? Is your wallet crammed with old receipts? Is it super old? Do you love it?
Do you know how much debt you have? Do you have a plan to pay it offer? Do you have a savings? An IRA? Do you know what your investments go to support? Touch your money every month. Pay attention + be intentional with your book keeping.
If needed, build confidence that you can manage your money - learn about investing, pay down your debt, etc…
rewrite your money story if you need to | Eft
A lot of time we get stuck in narratives like I never have enough… really? You’ve never had enough money to buy a meal, go on vacation, give a gift… when we get stuck in these narratives it’s important to change our story and remember and focus on the times when we did have enough, when we felt supported, when we felt loved, when we had abundance.
And then bring those answer around your money story from the Unpacking module through EFT.
Guided option:
“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
Take inventory daily of things to be grateful for. Don’t write down the same things every day but get creative. Think of all the things we have access to that are not available to everyone or are more newly available. Even something as simple as trash pickup is something to be grateful for. Get nuanced + creative with your gratitude list.
Practice gratitude when you eat for all the people, plants + animals that went into you having that meal on that plate (be grateful for the plate, the makers of the plate, the people who shipped the plate, stocked the plate, sold you the plate).
When you pay a bill be grateful for the service provided + say a little prayer to bring in the spiritual like - “May we both be in the flow of abundance”. Do this for the cashier at the grocery store. For the teller at the bank. For every financial transaction.
ABUNDANCE journaliing
In the same way you can keep a gratitude journal you can also keep an abundance one: where did you receive each day.. someone bought you coffee, you got paid for something, a free service, you found money in your jeans, etc…
This helps us to focus on abundance: we always have abundance in our life… time with friends, time in nature, a kindness offered during your day, a beautiful space to live in, vegetable from your neighbors garden, space in your day for yourself, etc..
What we focus on grows. So feel into some gratitude for all the ways you felt abundant each day. Write down at least 3 things each evening.
Money is energy, and a big way to keep that energy flowing (rather than contracted) is to tithe. Take an amount your comfortable with each month and give it to an organization or cause that is meaningful to you. Maybe that’s 10% of your income or $10, the amount doesn’t matter, it’s the intention.
EXPLORE THE energetics
ROOT - The Root Chakra Archetype is connected to our feelings of worthiness, our limiting beliefs that may be obstacles to our manifestations and our ability to stay grounded and call in abundance.
SACRAL - The Sacral Chakra Archetype is tied to our emotions and our relationships to other. Our emotions are key to knowing what we’re inviting into our life, our feelings are driving as you read in the energetics.
SOLAR PLEXUS - The Solar Plexus Archetype is how we alchemize, our relationship with our personal power and whether or not we believe in ourselves, accept ourselves completely and can hold space for what we’re calling in.
The strength and resilience of all the chakras, but I believe especially these lower foundational ones, is so important when it comes to calling in money and having the container to hold it (esp. the Solar Plexus). Use the tools in the workshops to nourish, revitalize and reinforce the energies here.
I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend working with Mantras e’ry day.
5 minute Prosperity Meditation to Purify Your Subconscious twice a day.
Har Prosperity Meditation for 3 minutes/day.
Learn + Chant or recite 11 recitations of the 25th Paura of Japji. You can also listen to it in the background throughout the day or while your sleep at night. This is a good one for chanting along with and this one is lovely for listening.
Gyan Chakra Kriya
* I like this sweet intro version, but note that your palms should be facing up for the backstroke.
See Lakshmi Mantra below.
Meditation to Brighten Your Radiance
Sit in easy pose, spine straight. Raise your hands into cactus in line with your ears, about 12 inches to either side, palms facing forward, fingers pointing straight up towards the ceiling. The elbows are not pressed into the sides, but are held away from the body a bit. Bend the index finger down and curl it under the thumb (Giaan Mudra). The rest of the fingers are held side by side, pointing straight up. Hold the position steady and breathe.
Make your lips into a very clear "0", and breathe long and deep through the "0" mouth for 11 minutes. At the end of 11 minutes take a deep inhale and hold, and then release.
Practice any of these (see what resonates or chooses a few) for 40 days or until desired result
your profit centers
In Human Design our open centers are also referred to as our places for our greatest wisdom when we master their energy AND our profit centers. This means we can make money through our open centers when we’re living from our design (not our Not Self). We can use the wisdom of these open centers to hone our offerings, to write copy, to find more focus or a clearer vision when we learn how to really utilize the energy. We’re meant to be able to play in the energy of our open centers, to visit, go on an adventure and then pull back, not becoming solid or attached to someone else’s energy. The more we do this and follow our strategy + authority the easier we can tap into this wisdom. Think about what the centers represent and how that can translate. Here are some examples:
CROWN/HEAD: inspiration + infinite possibilities, the existential
AJNA/MIND: keeping an open mind, step by step guides, distilling difficult concepts, mindfulness/the mind
THROAT: getting attention, manifestation + self expression
G CENTER/SELF: direction or self love
WILL/HEART: feeling worthy, healthy ego, will + commitment
SOLAR PLEXUS: processing emotions + selling from emotional connection
SACRAL: knowing when enough is enough, work/life balance, sexuality, creativity, sustainability
ROOT: efficiency + stress management, nervous system regulation, kundalini, pressure to balance, the spectrum of feat to trust
SPLEEN: wellness, the body, intuition, being here now
Work with Lakshmi energy. Lakshmi is the Goddess of abundance, beauty, divine feminine + good fortune. Chanting her mantra, reading about her, making offerings to her on your altar (she likes sandalwood, perfume, turmeric, saffron paste, flowers, ripe fruit, sea shells. Offerings should be offered to the earth when completed.
Her lesson is that we don’t really desire more things but an inner feeling of abundance and this is key behind all manifestation.. how do you want to feel?
I love this book for getting in touch with the energy of several goddesses (including Lakshmi).
Bija Mantra: Shrim (repeated on each inhale, embodying the energy of Lakshmi) while you meditate or throughout your day.
Mantra: Om Sri Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha. I often repeat this on a loop during the day in my mind. Or use to to shift lack mentality when I catch myself. Or just when you’d like to respectfully call on her energy.
The prosperity game
Always good to bring the energy of play into co-creation.
This game comes from Abraham + Esther Hicks. The idea of this game is to have fun and use your imagination as well as feel it as truth. You can use an actual check register or make a spreadsheet or just write it out. On the first day you “deposit” $1000 and then you spend it. All of it. And then the next day $2000. And the following day $3000. And so on and so forth.
Have fun and be descriptive in what your spending it on. Don’t just say $1000 new clothes, go online and find what you really want until you’ve spent it all. As you continue on and the numbers get higher it takes some effort to figure out how to continue spending it. But you can do it. Each time you reach for a bigger idea you are expanding your mind for what you believe is possible. It also puts you in a high vibration of excitement and possibility.
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Another game is to carry $100 in your pocket all day noticing all the ways you can spend it throughout the day again and again. “I could have that, I could have that, I could have that”, and so on.
Allow yourself to really feel into the sensations of satisfaction. Amplify it.
Feng Shui
When it comes to Feng Shui it is the macro to the micro. So the back left corner (your Prosperity corner) can be from your front door of your home, or from the front door of your office or bedroom, etc… where you want to focus your intention.
First make sure to clear any clutter here because prosperity likes space. As with all abundance we must have the space to hold what we’re calling in. Every time we say no to something that does not serve us, to an energy leak, or make space, we invite in what we desire.
And then place objects that symbolize prosperity, wealth, abundance and blessings to you (this can include symbols of gratitude).
Some good options include:
the colors purple, red, green + gold.
the element of wood + moving water element or image of moving water
round leaf plants. This is my favorite!
the number 8.
The importance of the door + other abundance cures.
Dive deeper into Feng Shui with this book.
Check out my recommended listening + reading here.