the self center

aka the ‘g’



The centers of Human Design evolved from the Chakra System which has seven energy centers. Human Design evolved two additional centers: the Spleen + the G Center or Self. The Self Center is where we connect to the Universe through something called our Magnetic Monopole located at our sternum. Monopoles are essentially particles that carry a magnetic attraction. Ours held our Design + Personality crystals in partnership as well as connects us to our path. It literally pulls energy, experience, life, towards us. It draws love and beauty our way. I love the idea of hunting for beauty in our daily lives, everyday, and understanding your definition (or lack thereof) in this center is a great place to start. It is constantly drawing toward you what is innately yours, by design.

Physically the Self Center is connected to the Liver and the Blood. Our livers are heavy duty lifters in the scheme of things. I always think of the liver like a warehouse, taking it all in, compartmentalizing, getting rid of what doesn’t serve us, distributing resources. (Our liver can always use a little TLC which you can find here.) Some even believe that reincarnation takes place through the liver, so it kind of makes sense it would be connected to this center. It is the place of our soul; it asks us who we are. It’s a bit of an esoteric center connecting to love and our sense of direction.


Because of how our monopole forms and eventually separates from our Design Crystal which moves into the Ajna Center. We are constantly existing in an illusion of separateness, feeling that search for love. It’s wired into our beings to do so. It can lead to a lifelong search of wanting to feel worthy of some love outside of ourselves but the reality is the center holds love. It is love. We are love. We can always connect to that. We can always move toward greater self love and in doing so we attract that which we’re seeking. In turning our gaze inward, we discover we had the answers all along.

It also influences how we each uniquely tap into our abundance. When you think about the fact that this center attracts to us all manner of experiences, people and places it’s easy to see how it would be so deeply tied to how we co-create with the world around us. Dive into that here.

When it is open we are more chameleon like and adaptable to our environment. We don’t have consistency in our energy here. Open centers are also the places in our chart where we have access to the most wisdom, when we can utilize them correctly, acting as a sieve rather than a sponge, playing/visiting the energy, not becoming solid with it. When defined we have more access to a consistent sense of self though that doesn't mean we have our selves all figured out or that we’re not adaptable. ;)

You can locate the Self or G Center as the diamond in the center of our body graph, the fourth shape down from the top. As with all, when a center in our Bodygraph is colored it is considered closed or defined and white is considered open or undefined.


When a center is defined or closed this is a place where we are fixed in our energy. We know who we are. When a center is defined we also have a bit of a buffer there. There is a lot of wisdom in really understanding the places in our chart where we are defined, in doing so we can better understand and utilize our openness.


When the Self is defined you have a clear sense of your own direction. Although, knowing who you are doesn’t always mean you’re going to know how to get there. With a defined Self, you are here to give Love. And connect to your love of self. If you find this to be challenging, you need to focus more on your Strategy + Authority and honoring your type.

Look to what hanging gates and channels you have here to better understand how this energy uniquely expresses itself for you. When we’re out of alignment in any of theses areas, the Universe will draw experiences our way to find balance, to help us to grow and evolve.

If you have a channel connecting your Self to your throat you might be especially sensitive and vulnerable to criticism. When you put something out into the world you put it out with your whole soul so when it's not well received, acknowledged or you feel criticized it can cut deep, especially if you're looking for validation outside of yourself. I have one of these defined channels and can totally relate to this sensitivity.

Also be mindful of expecting everyone to jump on board with you. We can expect people to want to go our way even when we’re not totally positive how we’re getting there or where it will take us. Do you. If someone is is meant to follow and go your way, let them get there on their own terms. Definition or no, we all need to check in and make sure we’re not dealing with conditioning or expectations that are putting us on false paths.


When open we can take on the conditioning and energy of those around us via their aura. This is not all bad as it can also mean sweet vibes when there is something that combines with our aura in a positive way. However when we’re operating without awareness and/or absorbing, this can also be a place where we take on negative conditioning. Before Human Design, I had no idea where I was vulnerable. This is where healthy energetic boundaries are especially important. And you can find a whole course on it in the shop.

Those with an open Self often make good therapists and teachers because they are able to take in the energy of those in their aura and understand their identity. They then amplify that energy, potentially experiencing the energy even more than the person with the center defined.

Being in the right environment is important for these folks; it allows you to receive the right opportunities. And those with this open say they almost feel a sense of relief or dropping in when they are in the right location for what they need in that moment. This is also true for knowing when you’re in the wrong spot; you can feel it on a deep level and your opportunities will be affected.

Teens with open Self centers can be more vulnerable to peer pressure because having this open can mean absorbing the identities of those around you. These folks are also always changing and mutable so they may feel unlovable because the way they need to be loved and express love is also always changing.

When your Self Center is open: you might always feel like you're trying to find yourself, find your purpose, find direction. Know that you're where you need to be and the answers you’re looking for are all already inside you. You get to experiment and try on the energies of others auras and personalities and see what resonates. You are multi faceted and while this may seem flighty to some, the auras around you are simply pulling out different parts of your personality. It's all you. For the most part. ;) Do pay attention to when you feel like you're being pulled too far away from your true self, from your center. Or for example, enmeshing with a partner. When in doubt follow your strategy and authority.

Your gift is finding wisdom through your experience of those around you. Choose wisely when deciding who to spend your time with.


  • Am I fixated on finding love and direction?

  • Am I frequently worried about ‘who I am’?

  • Do I get caught up in an endless loop of seeking love or purpose? Of wondering what to do with my life?

  • Am I in a supportive environment? Can I recognize when it is correct or not?

  • Am I acting from peer pressure?

  • Do I love myself?

  • Do I feel lost? Like I’m always searching?

  • Am I aware of how I adapt depending on who I am with? Are there ways this hasn’t served me… could I use healthier boundaries? Are there ways where I can utilize this in my life? Can I play in the energy, gather the wisdom and lessons without taking it on?

  • How do I experience right place right opportunities?

  • How do I celebrate, honor who I am?

  • We can always dive deep into our true direction in this life by exploring our Incarnation Cross which we go deep on in The Meeting Ground and by looking into our North Node.

    additional prompts


  • The Self is associated with the Liver and the Liver is usually associated with anger. So, clearing anger can be supportive.

  • You can find loads of support in Spring Clean Series + Wood element classes in This Is the Space for supporting this energy.

  • Time alone to come back to your center.

  • Walking meditation. Go for a walk alone while chanting in your mind Sat (sut) Nam (naam). Left foot Sat, right foot Nam. Sat Nam means true identity. Utilize this practice to come back to self. You can also work with this mantra this way.


  • Get clear on what you want + allow life to come to you.

  • Get to know your own uniqueness + how to come back to your center.

  • Put yourself in your correct environment + listen to what your environment is telling you and act accordingly.

  • Play in the spectrum of humanity, let life guide you and yet do not become solid with the identities. Let them refine + clarify what is right for you.

  • The No. 4 Toolbox as this center is so deeply tied to Love + the No. 3 Toolbox for standing in your own power.

  • The Art of Magnetism.

the gates

Explore your definition and how this energy is channeled uniquely by you.

Transmute the Shadows and low vibrations of your Defined Gates.

Where do they live (planetary placement + house)?

How do they show up for you?

How can you lean into the gifts as the pathway of alchemy?