the portal
Everything is optional and you can tune in to what feels good to you + how deep you want to go with it. Here are some things you may want to have on hand:
**edit - something I’ve changed since this video is when I start dry brushing I start closer to the points we opened and work my way up, so upper arm before lower, upper leg before moving down lower and to feet, this way you have more flow.
Selenite crystal if you like.
Meal prep +/or order appropriate meals.
Herbs for Infusions or tea (options): milk thistle, dandelion root, nettle, lemon balm, burdock root, cleavers, hibiscus
your unique path to assimilation
Food and the way in which we digest and assimilate nutrients is not one size fits all. Utilize this time to come into greater resonance with your unique Primary Health System while you also focus on a more whole, plant forward diet.
Spring equinox + manifesting with the moon
Go deeper with your relationship to the Moon as an ally on your journey as the architect of your life.
*If you are not a member of The Collective, you will not be able to access the linked content within but there is plenty for you to play with.
p r a c t I c e s
to get you started
ACCESS to the 21 Days of Breathwork for Information, Playlists + Introductory Video
Take some time to release some things from your home, car, closet, tote that you no longer need. Clean out the old receipts from your wallet. Clear out your fridge. Delete old contacts and photos. Cleanse the energy in your house by burning beeswax candles and juniper. Make space for the new in your environment as well. 27 is a magic number in Feng Shui, I love the practice of throwing out/donating 27 things that no longer serve me.