going deeper

with your profections, TRANSITS + the houses

Be sure you have gone through the handouts here and identified the basics including house(s), sign, element, mode, additional houses, condition of your timelord, gates, etc… First and foremost what does the sign on the cusp, its element + mode, tell you in relationship to the House’s significations? Allow yourself to meditate in those places and spaces. To day dream. I encourage you, if you’re a visual person, to make a moodboard for your year. Consider it all individually and in relationship to each other.

the containers | magical questions


  • What do you want to explore around your identity + self-image?

  • In what ways do you feel called to reinvent yourself?

  • Does your appearance still feel in line with your current self?

  • Where do you want to begin anew?

  • How would you like to tend to your vitality and life force?

  • Are you honoring your body?

  • What is the first impression you’d like to make?

  • What is your outlook on life? Are you in problem energy or possibility?

  • Be willing to roll with fresh energy.

  • Who do you want to be beyond the labels of society?


  • Do you feel worthy of what you desire? Are you ready to receive? The first step is knowing you are worthy of love, what you charge, your desires, etc… The next level is knowing you can’t actually quantify your worth because you are limitless.

  • What do you truly value at this time in your life? When you take away societies ideas of success and the need to always acquire more, what really has meaning to you?

  • What resources are important to you? What do you want to manifest?

  • Get clear on your core desires around money. What does it offer you? Time freedom? Location freedom?

  • What is your relationship to money? Your story? Are you giving it attention and intention?

  • Are you tending to your finances? Looking at your money? Setting yourself up for success? Investing in your future?

  • How can you lean in, acknowledge and amplify the ways in which you already feel resourced?

  • What energetic work do you need to do around abundance + prosperity?

  • What is no longer aligned? Get into your Marie Kondo vibes an please the things that are no longer aligned.

  • Time is also a resource. Can you free up some time by letting go of things that are no longer in resonance?


  • How do you desire to express yourself more truthfully?

  • What does expression look like for you right now?

  • Do you speak more than you listen? Do you listen or merely hear? Do you default to going advice rather than holding space?

  • What would you like to learn right now?

  • What mental hygiene needs support?

  • Is there some message you want to be sharing? Speaking? Writing? Teaching?

  • What Goddesses might you explore and connect to?

  • Do you feel connected to aligned local community? If not, how might you facilitate that?

  • Is it time for some QT sibling time?

  • Is your day to day lighting you up? Is it in vibrational alignment with your desired future + what you want to create?


  • What upgrades would you like to make around home? Are you happy with your domestic life? How would you like to redefine your environment? Is it in line with your Design?

  • How do you unconventionally source feelings of ‘home’?

  • Do you feel at home in your own vessel?

  • What might you clear ancestrally to support your lineage?

  • What needs tending in the deeper nooks of your psychological foundations?

  • What reparenting might support you?

  • How does your heritage, culture + traditions define you (or not)?

  • What emotional hygiene feels supportive?

  • How might you explore your own culture deeper through food, art, medicine/herbs, traditions, etc…?

  • What from your past needs release so you can more fully step into your future?


  • What do you feel passionate about right now? What makes you feel alive?

  • How are you expressing yourself creatively? What are you creating?

  • What brings you pleasure? Are you focusing on connecting to pleasure in your day to day life?

  • How might you bring more romance into your life?

  • Spice up your love life?

  • What hobbies have you been wanting to pick up? Try something new.

  • How can you more intentionally support, honor and nurture your inner child?

  • What does play look like for you? Can you bring more in? Are you connected to joy?

  • If you have kids or want kids this is a year when topics around that may be up. How might you strengthen your relationship with your kids? Support their individuation?

  • Are there things that feel like entertainment that are actually procrastinating from your purpose? Like too much binging Netflix as escapism?


  • How are you prioritizing your health? What are the habits that support your wellbeing?

  • What do you feel in devotion to?

  • How do you want to be of service to the greater good?

  • What skills do you want to develop?

  • How does your day to day work life and lifestyle in general feel aligned or no?

  • How might you shake up your routines to be more supportive for you in your current moment? Are you showing up to routine and ritual in your life?

  • Where are you over committed? What needs a no?

  • Are there obligations or adulting tasks you are ignoring?

  • How can you balance the elements in your chart through practice. For example I have very little air in my chart so bringing in some air element self care can support greater balance in my life.

  • What needs editing?

  • Sometimes folks rescue a pet at this time or get in greater relationship with their pets, commit to training them, etc..


  • Are you being the partner you want to receive? Do your relationships feel mutually beneficial?

  • Are the 1:1 connections in your life still serving you?

  • How can you more fully show up for your significant other?

  • What are your love languages? Theirs?

  • How can you more fully show up for your business partner?

  • What might you be projecting onto others that is “shadow” for you to own?

  • What do you most deeply want from your connections? Are you receiving it? Are you asking for it?

  • Do you need support in your relationship? Therapy? Mediation? Exploration? Are you always getting to know each other more deeply or is there stagnation?

  • Are you in any relationships that need release?


  • What needs diving below the surface?

  • Are you experiencing death? Are you allowing yourself to grieve whether it is for someone, something, or some old version of you?

  • What might be up around other people’s money or belongings that require your attention? Debt? Ineritance?

  • Are your taxes in order?

  • What in your world needs greater depth?

  • What in your psyche needs tending?

  • What needs greater intimacy?

  • If sex or sexuality feels up for you, pay attention, are you honoring your truth?

  • Are you experiencing crisis in your life which needs outside support?

  • Are you allowing yourself to experience raw emotion?

  • Are there areas of the occult or taboo you’d like to explore?

  • What shadows can you alchemize?


  • What rabbit holes are you feeling called to dive down? Do you feel called to study? What?

  • Is adventure calling whether it’s getting on a plane, just exploring your AstroCarto or other cultures?

  • What is inspiring exploration?

  • What do you feel your shifting your perspective around? Or where do you feel invited to reevaluate your perspective? Where do you need to widen your lens?

  • What is calling for expansion? What beliefs might be getting in your way?

  • How might I need to step outside of my comfort zone to expand?

  • Do you feel drawn to explore philosophy, spirituality, dive deeper with your astrology or human design? Where do you want to find/make meaning?

  • Where might you be receiving a bit of luck based on placements?

  • Are you feeling called to write/publish?

  • Dream journaling and working with oracle decks is also super supportive. Invite communication with Divine guidance.

  • What is stopping me from trying something new? How can I release it?


  • Does your career feel currently aligned?

  • What are you contributing to society? What do you want to contribute?

  • Do you feel you are getting the recognition you desire?

  • If you are receiving negative recognition, what needs shifting? Are you happy with your reputation?

  • If you are introverted, how might you balance the call to visibility with your own internal needs?

  • What do you want to achieve? What steps might you take toward that goal?

  • Is there anything stopping you from going after your passionate purpose?

  • How might you support big leaps and upleveling by putting in the work?

  • Do you want to leave a legacy? What does that look like?


  • What are the big visions and dreams?

  • How might you ride the wave of expansive support having this house in the mix? What do you want to manifest?

  • How do you desire to connect to community? Does your current feel resonant? Are there sacred connections you desire that you can move toward? Do you feel you have a soul tribe?

  • How might you utilize things like social media, your network and connections to support your vision(s)?

  • Do you feel connected to purpose?

  • Do your friends feel supportive and nourishing or limiting/draining?

  • When is the last time you asked for help when you need it?

  • Have you explored your North Node?


  • Can you honor your desire for retreat this year when it comes up? The need to spend time within and in solitude?

  • What subconscious programs need rewiring? What is hidden and needs light?

  • Are there vices that need to go? Ways in which you are sabotaging yourself?

  • What limiting beliefs and fears invite retirement? Is negative self talk keeping you stuck? How can you change it?

  • How might you deepen your spiritual connection? Your connection to the unseen worlds? To Divine Source?

  • Do you feel called to utilize this time to strengthen your intuition + spiritual gifts?

  • What needs release, composting, cleansing, shedding so that you can step into next year (first house) more fully aligned with your desired future self. Purge.

  • And start planting some seeds in this tilled up fertile soil for your desired future self.

  • More support from the Dark Moon.