the descent

The last three days before the New Moon when the Moon is “dark”. This can also be, as I shared in the New Moon workshop when the “New Moon” is still in its dark phase before there is a crescent of light. It’s up to you to FEEL into the edges of the Dark Moon for you.

Just like the Moon, your greatest magic will come in times of darkness when you have no choice but to trust your own power.
— Spirit Daughter
...failed by our losses we also mourn, for better or for worse, ourselves. As we were. As we no longer are. As we will one day not be at all.
— Joan Didion


  • This is a time to face the uncomfortable truths about ourselves that we keep locked away. What narratives are keeping you stuck, small? What beliefs, habits, set points can you see more clearly getting in your way?

  • While we set our intentions during a New Moon this is when they begin to germinate especially when it comes to the big “moonshot”, reaching for the starts kind of dreams and our more long term Vision for ourselves. Do some free writing around this.

  • Revisit your core desires from the New phase. What needs release, refinement, recalibration, integration? Are there places where you are attached to specific outcomes + expectations? Release.

  • Are you in a healthy relationship with your desires or are you trying to force them or feel controlled by them?

  • Also take time to see where you’ve come from where you started. What are you grateful to have created, cultivated, aligned with?

  • How can you more fully honor the truth of your feelings? Where do you need forgiveness, for others holding you down like anchors to the past, and/or for yourself?

  • Where do you have rage, anger, frustration, irritation, resentments that are creating low vibrations and therefore obstacles to alignment?

  • What is your relationship to discomfort? To suffering? How can you reframe.

  • Where are you at on the regular on the emotional guidance scale? What steps can you take to move up?

  • Where do you need to take any accountability? Do you trust that you can do hard things?

  • What can you get rid of to make more space?

  • What self can you try on that is closer to the self you wish to become? How can you play in that energy even if it means “acting like” until it becomes natural?

Sometimes it takes darkness and the sweet confinement of your aloneness to learn anything or anyone that does not bring you alive is too small for you.
— David Whyte

ritual + integration

inside the collective

Additional support:

  • Balsamic Moon: Are you Afraid of the Dark podcast.

  • Pause. REST + take naps. Restore. Recharge. Let yourself be still.

  • Make an altar as an offering to the Moon.

  • Care for a shedding human.

  • Read the story of Inanna and descent into the underworld or explore the Crone archetype.

  • Nervous System Support

  • Cord Cutting Meditation

  • Meditation on no-thing. Check out the work of Joe Dispenza.

  • Sit in the dark, especially in nature.

  • Make an altar to your well + wise ancestors. Do a Breathwork or other resonant practice with the intention of clearing old karma down and up the line.

  • PLAY! Do something that brings you joy just because. Make art and then destroy it. Make a nature altar and let it blow away or feed the wild animals (and elementals). What brings you pleasure with no desired outcome?