you are powerful

manifesting by design

Find your free chart here. And what each component of your Bodygraph means here.


work with your type + STRATEGY

Manifestor: tap into your power. Own it. Stand in it. Channel it for good and release any conditioning around making yourself small. Let folx know what you’re gonna do before you do it.

Generator + Manifesting Generator: Find the right work. What lights you up? What do you get lost in and lose time? Wait to respond to Universal nudges in your outer reality before moving forward. Let Source be your personal shopper and then respond from your Authority to see if it’s the right thing/opportunity/person/etc.

Side note for MG’s: Listen to your authority as you visualize the potential. Take it for a test drive to see how it feels. And then inform before you move forward.

Projectors: Listen to your energy and honor it. Follow your passions, dive down rabbit holes. Wait for recognition; for the right invitation when it comes to the big things in life.

Reflectors: Know that you are your environment and always check in with how you’re feeling to know if you’re in the right place. Wait at least one full moon cycle to digest, talk out (not for feedback but to process) your decisions before moving forward.

What does your Strategy tell you about how you uniquely call in or align with opportunities?


What does your Authority tell you about how you uniquely manifest?

Look at your Authority through the lens of co-creation. For instance, if you are an Emotional Authority, are you giving yourself time to find emotional equilibrium before moving forward? Are you trusting in 80% surety? Are you following what lights you up?

If you’re a Reflector are you giving yourself a full moon cycle on the biggies? Are you talking it through with your closest confidants to hear how it resonates in your ears?

the self center

The Self or “G” Center is the Diamond shape (fourth center down from the top). It is where your magnetic monopole lives. It establishes your direction and identity and is the center for love in our chart. It is our connection to the Universe. It magnetizes experiences, life, to us. It is also how we uniquely tap into our abundance.

We have access to all the energy at times but we have consistent access to those that are defined in our chart (either black or red or a combination of both). Look to the defined energies here to see where you want to focus on calling in abundance.

If we are out of alignment in any of these energies; the Universe will draw experiences to us to help us grow and evolve:

Gate 10 - Self love
Gate 7 - Leadership and empowerment
Gate 1 - Being authentic
Gate 13 - Your ability to let go. To forgive. To take the lesson and move forward.
Gate 25 - Your ability to trust in the Universe/Source
Gate 46 - Are you grounded? Are you embodied? Is there vitality?
Gate 2 - Do you believe you are worthy of what you desire? Are you able to receive?
Gate 15 - Are your choices in the Highest Good of All? Are you making a contribution?

If you’re feeling challenged in any of these areas the Universe is calling in lessons around these experiences to help you. See any patterns? Get clear on what they’re here to teach you so you can move forward.

Which of these areas can use some TLC? Deep dive into the energies.

Artwork: Unknownn

Artwork: Unknownn


the throat center

In Human Design the Throat is the center for Manifestation. All of the other centers are trying to move energy to the Throat to give it a voice and to manifest. Whether it is defined or not it is the hub for expression and creation.

The 11 gates are voices and the ones which you have defined will be thematic in your life as well as show you where your own expression of transformation lives. Any center(s) connected to your throat will be a direct channel and a consistent reliable voice for you. For instance, I have a channel connecting my G-Center to my Throat Center. Therefore I speak from my Higher Self, from my personal identity and direction. It’s why I can be vulnerable to taking things personally or feel particularly sensitive if I don’t feel heard or understood - because I’m really speaking from my soul, from a very personal space.

Following your Strategy + Authority when it comes to your Throat is key. Waiting to respond, waiting for the invitation, etc.. People with this center undefined have a very magnetic aura when being silent. And thrive when waiting for the right moment to express themselves rather than succumbing to any Not Self pressure to speak up.

Whether we are a Manifestor energy type or not, we all have the ability to manifest when honoring our unique design and living our authentic self.

Dive deep into the 11 Gates here.

your not self emotional theme

Know and understand your Not Self Emotional Theme (+ Signature). This is an indication that you are off track. Listen to it. It’s showing you you are out of alignment somewhere and it’s your job to tune in and get clarity. A lot of time people will quit when they feel challenged. A Generator feels frustrated and gives up right before things were about to take off. The frustration is there to show you something. Listen. Are you aligned with your purpose? Are you in integrity? Do you believe you can have what you want? That you are worthy? Is it time to move on from something that’s no longer/or never was in alignment? Do you need to make space for what you’re calling in? Strengthen your container?

On the flip side are you feeling into your Signature theme? It is a tell tale sign you are in flow + using your energy correctly.

Manifestor: Anger (Peace)

Generator: Frustration (Satisfaction)

Manifesting Generator: Frustration and Anger (Satisfaction + Peace)

Projector: Bitterness (Success)

Reflector: Disappointment (Surprise)

get it

The meeting ground

Spend ample time with the energies in The Meeting Ground, especially modules 1-4 which make up your Incarnation Cross, your destiny, and 70% of the energy in your chart. That’s powerful! If you are operating from Shadow or running stories associated with a limiting belief or negative default setting, bringing it into the light of awareness and shifting any patterns into a higher vibration can create flow in your life where there was once stagnancy or obstacles.

your variables

Being in our correct environment, sleeping in alignment with our energy, honoring how our brain wants to be nourished can all help us (along with awareness) in aligning with our correct perspective + motivation. Getting to know and leaning in as much as you can with all of these elements will be of great assistance in aligning you with your desires.

The Universe wants you to succeed. You are designed to be an abundant being in all the ways (not just financially) but in love, in community, in freedom, in beauty; in whatever is important to you. This is not something we need to dissect with our minds but something we need to feel into by following our Strategy + Authority. We get to know, understand and honor our energy. We get into alignment with who we truly are...what we came here to do; who we came here to be. To decondition from all we have mis-identified with and BE in OUR unique truth.

Take a look at these elements and where they show up in your chart. Each part of your chart is a piece of the whole. I always recommend to clients to re-listen to their reading many times. Contemplating, imbibing, marinating. Take elements of your chart and mull them over, sit with them. Journal to dig deeper and get clarity. Keep peeling back the layers. It’s a path to your authenticity. Your wholeness. Your magnetism.

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