“The star of Mercury signifies education, writings, disputation, speech, brotherhood, interpretation, the office of Herald, numbers, calculations, geometry, commerce, youth, play, theft, community, messages, service, profit, discoveries, following, contest, wrestling, declamation, sealing, sending messages, weighing, suspense, testing, hearing, versatility. He is the bestower of critical thinking and judgment, lord of brothers and younger children, and author of all things pertaining to the market and the craft of banking. Properly speaking, he makes temple builders, modelers, sculptors, doctors, teachers, lawyers, orators, philosophers, braiders, weavers, those who are methodical, and those who are in charge of managing wars or strategic actions, and those who utilize paradoxes and craftiness in calculations or false reasoning, those who are strong performers or mime-actors, making their livelihood from display while still wandering and roaming unstable, and whose with knowledge of the heavens or those who seek to become knowledgeable, undertaking the marvelous work with pleasure and contentment, for the sake of the honor and benefit it brings. For this star holds the power of many pursuits, granting occupations in accordance with the variations of the zodiacal signs or the interweaving of the different configurations of the stars; for some it gives knowledge, while for others brokerage; service for some, while it procures trade or teaching for others; and for some agriculture or temple-keeping or public <office>; moreover, for some it grants the ability to exercise authority or leasing rentals or labor contracting or rhythmic performance or managing public services or even body-guarding or wearing the linen robes of the gods or bestowing the pomp of powerful men.
Of the parts of the body, it rules the hands, the shoulders, the fingers, the joints, the belly, the hearing, the windpipe, the intestines, the tongue. Of substances, it is the lord of copper and all coinage, giving, taking: for the god is common.”
-Significations by Ancient Astrologer Vettius Valens
In Gwendolyn Brooks’s Bodygraph her Unconscious Mercury is in Gate 22 Line 2 (Exalted), and her Conscious Mercury is in Gate 20 Line 4 (in Detriment). Mind + Emotions connected through channels to her very defined Throat.
Communication | Thinking | Human Consciousness | Expansion
In Human Design, Mercury is where we learn what we are here to communicate and share (in addition to our Voices and the Centers connected through Channels to our Throat Center).
These energies speak to us about our innate need within to communicate and what we need in order to be heard. Our Conscious Mercury gives us information about what we need to share in this life and what occupies our mind, the message we are here to share and therefore where we might become an authority in some way. Our Unconscious Mercury shows us themes we may often share without really understanding why we need to share them, the ways we communicate non-verbally + sometimes how we are unconsciously perceived by others. It also offers insight into our particular way of listening and hearing - the things we will hear again and again.
Ra says, “Mercury is closest to the Sun and thus metaphorically has its ear.” Consider that relationship both in your HD + astrologically.
We begin by looking at our Conscious + Unconscious Gates:
What are the qualities of these energies?
What are the Shadows, Gifts + Highest Vibrations of both energies?
What are the lines and how do they flavor each energy for you?
How do you relate or not to these energies?
What might be some ways to incorporate or raise the vibration of each energy?
How do you feel you share through these energies or not? How do they represent thematically what you feel called to share?
Can you see a tie to the way you think about/process things?
Create an affirmation of the Gift of the energies to anchor/lean in to their high vibrations.
In her Natal Chart you can see her Mercury, Mars, Sun + Moon in a stellium in Gemini in her 9th House of expansion.
Communication Style | Intellect | Reason | Learning + Curiosity
This energy speaks to our gifts in communication and being understood. It can reveal the ways we connect with people intellectually and illustrate how we mentally approach life. It’s about what we are here to share but also what we think about and where we focus our mind’s attention.
It can also show us where and how we worry, the mental loops we create, and how we may stifle our expression.
What Sign does Mercury reside in in your Natal Chart? (tidbits below)
What information does this offer you about how you communicate and process?
How do you feel you share through these qualities or not?
How does it represent thematically what you feel called to share?
What House does Mercury reside in? You can find this in your Natal Chart.
What do you feel this shows you about the container in which this energy resides and how it might shape your through process?
How do these qualities influence or shape the way you worry or get stuck in mental loops? How can you work to shift any low vibrations here through some of the other tools within The Collective (or resonant ones without)?
Think about communication as more than verbal. Consider your body language and the ways you communicate with facial expressions, your style and through your emotions + energy.
While I separate these by Human Design + Astrology all significations I share about Mercury are true for all associations. The energies of Mercury are the energies whether being applied to Gate, Sign or House.
In the Signs
In ARIES : Use your naturally authoritative way of speaking through the intention to inspire others while remaining aware of how they are responding and tweaking/titrating where needed. Be wary of making snap judgments.
In TAURUS: A natural way of speaking cautiously and with intention. Allow others ideas to offer insight + wisdom, helping to shape your own.
In GEMINI: You have a way with words that is special and versatile. Focus your mind and communicate clearly, one idea at a time.
In CANCER: Bring awareness to the feels of others (and your own) to communicate on a much deeper level. Be mindful of your moods, explore your openness, find stillness in your emotions.
In LEO: You share in a very personalized way. Be mindful of how your dramatic flair either adds to or takes from what you are sharing and its impact.
In VIRGO: You have an attention to detail in what you communicate. Be mindful of putting things + people in tidy boxes, black/white, right/wrong. Release expectations of perfection.
In LIBRA: Find + utilize tools and practices that bring balance to your mind. Focus on what you want to share rather than other’s reactions to it. You have a talent for brining harmony through expression.
In SCORPIO: You have an instinctual understanding of the deeper meaning (which can be transformational for all involved) when you are open about what is of value to you. Be wary of being defensive or secretive in your communication.
In SAGITTARIUS: Avoid drawing quick conclusions or getting lost in ideas with no real substance. Release any need to prove intellectual superiority. You are on the right track when you are opening up communication that is a two way street.
In CAPRICORN: Release the need to have all the answers. You can have a very serious mind. Invite in lightness and take into account others feelings. Focus on communicating from a place of being helpful + supportive. Be invited into authority rather than taking it.
In AQUARIUS: Don’t sacrifice connection for cold detachment. See others for the unique beings they are + allow yourself to be mentally empathetic by bringing awareness to other POV’s and feelings.
In PISCES: You may have special psychic, intuitive or artistic gifts. Be mindful of getting lost in your own world, emotions and imagination. Connect to others and share your unique intuitive visions.
These shadows aka low vibrations reveal the inner work we will repeat over and over until we have fully integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA.
This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. This is the healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to reach.
This is the the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality.
As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and Highest Vibration) in the same container and to take step to move toward the Gift vibration.
The highest vibration is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not something we try to attain. When we reach for it, we are playing into Shadow.
Create an affirmation of the high vibration of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into and to check in with regularly so that you stay present with your Gifts.
Get the lay of the land in DECONDITIONING inside if you haven’t already.
Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?
Get clear on your Shadows + low vibes here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Decondition module.
Bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.
What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish.
Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.
Take good care of yourself.
If you didn't already, create an affirmation of the high vibration of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into.
Lean into and/or explore your Mercury archetypes on Wednesdays.
What wisdom + support might your Mercury Lines offer you?
Contemplate, meditate on, marinate on the Magician Tarot Card which is ruled by Mercury. Secondarily, Gemini is connected to The Lovers and Virgo, the Hermit.
The Throat Toolbox for connecting to expression, clearing blocks or stagnation and strengthening this energy.
Mercury Retrograde support. Were you born during a Mercury Retrograde? Does it feel like it affects you differently?
When Mercury stations retrograde or direct in your progressed chart it can illustrate significant turning points/shifts in your life.
Consider how you communicate to the unseen world through cosmic messages, signs, spiritual practices, inner initiations and synchronicities. Explore + cultivate.
What Voices do you have defined, how do you feel they tie in or not to these energies?
30 Days of Nervous System Support saved to my IG Highlights (ns love parts 1-3)
Mantra + the power of sound
Is your Mercury positively aspected or challenged in your Natal Chart? How might this illustrate any obstacles (ahem, Saturn) or gifts in your communication style? You can easily read about your aspects in the free app Time Passages.