Inside the Collective vol. 1 | Adrienne
Tell the B+F community a bit about yourself + your cosmic imprint…
Hi! 😊 I’m a 5/2 Splenic Projector with a Libra Sun, Cancer Moon, and Scorpio Rising. Left Angle Cross of the Clarion 2. I’m a homebody that loves playing the Sims! (Like, seriously, I’m obsessed). And I live with my three year old cat that acts like he works a 9-5, commutes in rush hour traffic, and pays the bills around here. In other words, he’s bossy, has an attitude, but craves attention and affection. And I love him dearly! *heart eyes*
How long have you been studying your Design? What led you here?
I’ve only recently begun studying Human Design. A random video came across my Youtube recommendations about Human Design. Well, I guess it wasn’t too random. I study astrology, and I also watch tarot readers on YouTube from time to time, so I guess those darn analytics were like, ‘hey, if you like all of that, try this’. And I fell into this rabbit hole, devouring HD information ever since. I would say that was sometime late last summer, maybe like August or September (of 2021). I do need breaks from time to time, though. The information, like astrology, can be so dense. However, I always circle back to it; building a bit more from the last bout of study.
Which aspects have been most helpful so far?
I was so relieved to know that a Projector’s aura was penetrating, and because of that, my energy may come across as too much when I’m not invited and/or force myself into situations. It made so much sense looking back on past relationships, job opportunities that I thought I wanted but ended up being miserable in, or interactions that--to this day--haunt me with lingering embarrassment, etc. It was because I wasn’t invited. I wasn’t recognized in those situations. I was, unknowingly, following the strategy of a manifestor or a generator because I’m, still, conditioned by a society that is primarily made for and by these types. There were actually a few more helpful things that I’ll run by quickly:
“I’m not lazy, I really do REQUIRE rest. I think this is actually the major one. Comparing myself to others constantly and feeling burned out (and bummed out – or bitter, my not-self theme), all of the time, because I was trying to be on par with the energy types. And I can now confidently say with 100% certainty, that I am not an energy type and I am not lazy.”
I have a 5/2 line. So, while I’m still learning about lines, what I do understand and can confirm, for me, is that I’m a walking contradiction! 😊 And this is something that I’ve struggled with for a very long time. So, I breathed a sigh of relief when reading about the 5/2 line. I’m very inconsistent when it comes to relationships of all kinds, and I would feel bad because I genuinely enjoy people. And when the vibe is right, creating these energy fields of flow and interaction between people or groups feels fantastic. I also like to be left the fuck alone – a lot. So, yeah. How do you explain that to people with whom you’re meeting and creating a relationship? Especially when that person or group requires consistency and/or constant contact in relationship. But knowing that I’m not fake or phony, I just need a lot of time to be in my own aura and honoring that – it explained a lot.
What parts of The Collective do you enjoy exploring the most right now?
‘The Elements’ tab on the Cosmic Conscious -> Living Your Design page has been my jam, my definitive go-to! To me, ‘The Elements’ has everything you need to learn, study, and understand your own personal human design in one sweet spot. It’s like diving into the ocean and consistently finding treasures, taking them up to shore, then you dive in again and find even more treasures, and the process repeats. I’m still diving in and pulling out different treasures, which continues to excite me, so I think I’m going to be parked here for a while. 😊 I will say, though, that I would like to integrate astrogeography more into future travel plans. So, the ‘Astrogeography’ tab more than likely will be my next place of interest.
Are there any things you are struggling to integrate?
WHAT THE HELL IS A SPLENIC HIT??! Look, I have a Cancer Moon that is aspected twelve ways from Sunday. I’m always feeling some shit – good, bad, and indifferent. So, I’m still finding difficulty in listening to (rather, feeling) my splenic authority opposed to the mind, the ego, or even the projections from others.
In what ways do you utilize The Collective, how does it serve you?
Right now, I’ve primarily been focusing on understanding the foundation, so that I can build my understanding of HD from there. I have a notebook that is dedicated solely to my own human design. Lately, I’ve been on a deep dive in astrology and I toggle back and forth between that and human design when the energy brings my attention to either or at any given time. The time flow between the two varies. But when the mood strikes HD, I would go through the Collective, for however long my energy allows, and write down notes on my un/defined centers and defined gates, its lines, and any fear gates or channels if it applies. Then I’d study the shadows of these areas, and go through the Collective for tips that resonate with me to transmute that energy. Sometimes, I don’t even go through the shadow and transmutation part. Just knowing the plain information is enough in the moment, you know? Like, seeing yourself, your characteristics, your persona, etc., explained in a way that you couldn’t before articulate is just enough to sit in and contemplate. For example, when I first learned about my Gate 51 – Gate of Shock/Initiative to Initiation/Awakening (which is also part of my incarnation cross) – I literally cried. I had to email B and thank her for such beautiful insight. It confirmed that I was living a life that was not for me at the time, I was trying to fit in, stay in the background, be as small as possible, so to not be seen, not to interrupt or disappoint; when I’m really supposed to be standing out in my uniqueness, and literally be excited by life, and shock others out of their comfort zones. I quit my job like 2 months later lol.
How have you integrated Human Design with your family/friends?
My brother calls me his spiritual cheat sheet haha. It’s a playful gesture of his; but whatever it is that I’m in to, whether it’s astrology, human design, tarot, etc., he’s always down for the ride. So, over the past couple years of intermittent Astro, HD, and tarot study, he has been the practice test dummy! 😊 But it’s pretty cool because he recognizes my talent and sends me people that are interested in getting their natal charts or tarot read, which is great practice for me. The bonus about all of this is that this system follows my design, type, and authority (Splenic Projector – wait for the invitation and the recognition). So, if we put the utilization of the 5/2 splenic projector design together here, it would look like this: I take my time to study astrology subjects (that I have profound interest in) within the comfort of my own time and space -> now that my brother knows what I’m into, he invites me to read his chart -> he genuinely recognizes the effort and time I’ve put into the study, so he tells his friends about it ->these friends reach out to me (send invitations) to get their charts read as well ->they then tell their friends based on their experiences, etc. So, I’m able to be a hermit (2 line) and study my interests. Then, be pulled out of my cave to help others using my gifts (5 line) in a way that follows my design without having to force myself or invite myself into spaces. I could also accept or decline an invitation based on whether the invitation feels right or not.
What do you love about yourself that you can see in your chart/Design?
I honestly think being a Projector, in itself, is awesome. It just takes some time to decondition. I, literally, just a few months ago was in a position where I was extremely bitter. Even though I had a well-paying job, I was following society’s demands of what success means. Not my own. And my mental health was paying for it. I simply want to work from home and comfortably be me in authenticity, that is all. That is what success means for me currently. In following my strategy and authority these past couple of months, I now work from home part time, set my own hours, and mind my own business - all while studying Astro and HD on the side in hermit mode (honoring my 2 line). The job of a Projector is to guide when invited. So, what one would need to do is find a fascinating subject to study, work towards mastering it over time, rest and take breaks in the meantime, share your knowledge with others when invited, and wait for the opportunities to be placed in your lap. Accept the correct invitations based on your authority and they can be great blessings for you and bring you success. I mean? That’s pretty sweet.
“Another thing, more specific to my chart, that Gate 51 (Gate of Shock) mentioned earlier threw me for a loop, I must say. At the sake of sounding cheesy, it really was freeing. My uniqueness and my excitement for life is the key to my happiness? Challenge accepted. Sign me up, tenfold. ”
What tips might you have for Living Your Design?
That’s kind of tough to say, because what works for me based on my gates and centers and its energies may be completely incongruent with someone else’s gates, centers and energies. So, I would say to really get to know and be comfortable with your own particular design and understand that others’ expectations are theirs and theirs only.
“What works for you in this life is for you to figure out, stand in, and execute. That comes with time, patience, and having immense grace on yourself. Trust me, I’m still learning this myself. But continue to be curious, continue to try different things on and take off what doesn’t work, continue to test out your particular design, strategy and authority. What does that even feel like, sound like, smell like to you? What are YOUR gifts, YOUR talents. YOUR fears. Not the talents or fears of others - your own. ”
Follow that, track that down, transmute that shit. (I add fear here because in a deconditioning exercise, I realized my issues around money weren’t even my own, but one of my parents! This was also freeing because I was able to move in a way that released the bounds of fear of not having enough money, which wasn’t even my fear to begin with). There was a phase in my life where I kept getting into sales and customer service related jobs because it allowed others success and high earnings, and that was what I thought I wanted. Yet, I would get into a sales or recruiting job and be absolutely miserable. I was good at it, because I taught myself to be good at it, but it wasn’t my gift, not even an interest of mine. I had to, not only know but, truly own and recognize that I have a knack for certain talents that didn’t align with what others expected out of me; such as translating information in a way that doesn’t seem so overwhelming. As well as allowing space for others to comfortably share, chat, grieve, vent, etc. So, I’m tracking that, following that, transmuting the hesitancy I have of teaching subjects out of the fear of being misunderstood or sounding dumb (Chiron Gemini) and developing these talents through learning how to read natal charts and communicating that knowledge in a personalized, effective way for others. It can be done! You just gotta keep going within, keep learning these energies in a way that resonates for you. Be kind to yourself in the process!
Outside of your Design what practices do you feel most serve your greater well-being at this time?
Every morning, as soon as I wake up, I drink a glass of water, then go into my morning meditation to start the day with a fresh slate. This meditation can last from 5 minutes to 30/45 minutes, depending on if my cat allows it lol. If I have any dreams that I remember from the night before, I jot them down and ask for any clarity around them and/or if the meanings hold any significance during this meditation time. I’ve been slacking over the winter season, but I used to do a ten-fifteen minute yoga routine afterward. Now that it’s spring, I hope to resume that habit 😊. Then, I wash dishes. I know some people would prefer to have their kitchens or dishes clean before bed, and I so get that. However, the water running over my hands is like a form of meditation for me, so I prefer to clean my dishes in the morning to continue my moment of zen. I put on some tea, listen to music that delights me at that time, and gaze out my balcony for the duration of my tea sipping. This routine has helped my mental health TREMENDOUSLY. It’s become second-nature at this point. Also, at night, I journal about anything that is on my mind in the moment, whether it’s about the day I’ve had, any negative or positive feelings I had about the day or throughout it, what I learned or discovered that stands out, etc. Also a game-changer.
Where can we find you?
Believe it or not, I do not have any socials, brands, websites, etc., in this day and age. Then again, not so surprising since I am a 5/2 profile, Scorpio Ascendent stellium. Of course I don’t want to be digitally tracked! I want to remain lurking in the depths *evil laugh*. Ha, but no really, I currently live in the Chicagoland area. I am looking to relocate through. I, honestly, don’t want to live in the States anymore, so if anyone has any suggestions on where to relocate that is Black traveler friendly, I’m always open to recommendations! Over the past year, I’ve been so drawn to living in Mexico, incluso aprendiendo pequito espanol para visitar o vivir en el pais. I hope I said that right lol. I only have one prominent astrogeography line going through all of Mexico, though. And that’s a Mercury ASC line going straight through Durango. I don’t know too much about this location, but I heard that they’re known for their scorpions? Which I guess may be appropriate for my Scorpio stellium, who knows? Lol 😊
I hope this was helpful for anyone that comes across it! If this wasn’t as helpful as you’d wish, that’s okay! I hope you find what you need via the Collective. There is so much to learn and discover! Thank you so much for taking the time to read through this and allowing me to share my story with you. <3
Thank you so much for sharing a bit about your story Adrienne + work inside and out of The Collective!!
This is the first in a series called Inside The Collective from members who are creating greater wholeness, authenticity, ease and overall well-being through the lens of exploring their Design + Astrology. This is exactly what I want this series to be about. She had SO MUCH amazing embodied wisdom to share and I’m so grateful she took the time to share it with everyone. I know we can all learn from each others experiences.
Much love, B