grounding + evolution
Artwork: Unknown
your conscious earth
This can be found in the right black column of your chart, just under the Sun (so second box from the top), the number before the decimal point is the gate of your Conscious Earth. The number after the decimal point is the line, which you can read about below and as a part of your Gate. The line adds flavor and context in your life. Read about your Gate here and read the key in the Gene Keys book (if you have it).
Your Conscious Earth is a programming partner with your Conscious Sun. These two together illustrate your primary challenge in this life. They are bonded together and form a feedback loop, reinforcing each other either at a high or low vibration.
This one is often an uncomfortable energy for us in some way, but it’s a REALLY important one to understand. If it doesn’t resonate initially, look at it from every angle you can, really dig into the Shadows that live within this energy and observe where it shows up in your life.
This is the yin/feminine energy to last weeks yang. It’s where we will find balance + grounding energy when we can integrate it. It’s where we receive but also where we concretize into form. Both of our Earth gates are energies to look at when we’re looking to heal.
If your Conscious Sun is an expression of what you do. The Conscious Earth is your evolution, it is what drives what you do. Take time to think about them in relationship to each other.
The EARTH energy has to do with grounding and balance. The Gates here offer insight into what stabilizes you in life, what grounds your incarnation. It is an energy of fertility but also of receiving and taking in, of integration. Our Earth energy is always a good place to look when we’re focused on healing and connecting into the ways we fulfill our purpose.
This Shadow is especially associated with our suffering/pain and feelings of uncertainty. Explore it deeply. Look to your relationships (and/or past relationships), the mirrors in your life for insight and clarity. It’s particularly important to understand this one.
It also reveals the inner work we will repeat over and over until we have integrated and accepted it. This comes from fully opening our heart to this challenge. Every time we recognize and become aware of a Shadow and we accept and embrace it, we unlock another gift within our DNA.
This isn’t something to be fixed and then move on. These are the challenges we face over and over in our life. The healing that isn’t linear but a spiral, we circle back around, heal on a deeper level, unlock another gift. The more we continue to open and accept, the deeper we go and the more shadows and gifts we are able to unearth.
This is the the embodiment of as below, so above; as within, so without. The internal unpacking is represented in our outer reality. Sit with the discomfort and find gratitude for the gift frequency these energies have to offer.
“We all come into the world with a challenge, and our willingness to embrace that challenge determines the strength of our spirit.”
This gift grounds us into our physical body and can offer a big up level-ing when we can accept our suffering rather than resisting it.
When we no longer allow ourselves to play victim to our circumstances we begin to more clearly see (and become) the gifts. As you work with your Shadow, it is important to hold its Gift (and its Highest Vibration) in the same container. You may find that this gift sets you apart in some way.
The highest vibration is essentially attained enlightenment. It is said that the act of seeking enlightenment is still a form of shadow. I touch briefly on the highest vibration b/c I think it’s a seed we plant toward spiritual realization. It’s not something we try to attain. When we reach for it, we are playing into Shadow.
Create an affirmation of the high vibration of this energy. All energy in our charts wants to express itself so create a positive statement around the Gift energy that resonates with you to keep anchoring into and to check in with regularly so that you stay present with your Gifts.
“Suffering is what makes us aware - even if not consciously - that our actions and thoughts are not in harmony with the greater rhythms that guide our lives. ”
The line for this energy is the number after the decimal point of the gate. So if the number in the second box of the black right column says 44.2, then your evolution is in gate 44, line 2. The corresponding line colors your inner narrative.
1 - Finding Self
This energy is around discovering your genius in life. How self assured or inadequate do you feel? For you this is a private path. That doesn’t mean you can’t get outside support but it does mean that the true answers are inside. Dig deep into your own aloneness to find sustenance even there. No one else can empower or disempower you. Only you can do this for yourself. Be mindful of getting distracted by inner issues inside oneself.
2- Learning Through Relationships
You always learns more intensely through relationships. Your true nature is to be unselfconscious. At a low vibration this can be destructive. Any negative energy expressed unselfconsciously, whether through actions or words is always destructive. Your challenge is to listen and observe feedback from those closest to you. They always provide a very clear mirror of the frequency moving through you. Eventually, you will become so attuned to your environment that you will stop yourself before a negative pattern is even expressed. Then your true passion will emerge innocently and be met with acceptance and gratitude. While your relationships serve your, be mindful of letting them turn into a distraction.
3- Experience
For you this energy is a journey. It is the experience, the path, the adventure for you, not the result or trying to get to a destination.
The flip side of that coin, where to be cautious, is paying attention to whether or not you are drawn to experiences as a distraction from what truly nourishes you and enriches your life. It’s also about letting go of the idea that there is an end result or that you are going to obtain ‘something’, get to a particular destination at the end of this, whatever this is in the moment. Recognize, really recognize, all that you have learned along your way. In this way your leadership becomes experiential, guiding others through your lived wisdom.
4- Finding Balance
It’s important for you to balance your need to be of service with your need to have space. When you don’t you risk extremes like collapse from burnout. At a high frequency love flows freely between being alone and being amongst friends in a natural easy rhythm. You have a gift to change peoples hearts and bring them over to your POV. (so long as it’s ethical). You are most equipped to convince others of the importance of a heart based approach. Great at communication which makes you a powerful force in business or community.
5- Influence
You, my friend, have the built in x-factor. Be very aware of the profound effect you have on others. People will naturally be drawn to you no matter what you stand for. At shadow level this always ends in disappointment for them and you. Learn how and when to express yourself to avoid misunderstandings. Learn about healthy personal and professional boundaries. Express yourself with economy and clarity to minimize misunderstandings. Consider how folks could misunderstand your great gift or take advantage of your 5th line projection field.
6- The Long Game
Read all the lines as 6 line’s move through the whole story of the lines in a single lifetime. There is much to learn before one’s dreams can come true. By the time you’ve matured enough, your understanding of your dreams will have changed. Surrender is a big keynote for a 6 lines evolution. Look at your 6th line gate as a maturing quality. You are playing the long game. Education is important for you, it draws out the views that already exist inside you. 6th line may sacrifice personal goals for that of the greater good, even if it doesn’t become evident in their lifetime
The house
If you want to know the House you can get a membership to Genetic Matrix. This is the software I use. Or you can grab a snapshot here of all of your Houses.
Get the lay of the land in Shadow Support inside if you haven’t already.
Read over this and your gates info multiple times, contemplate the information here and there. What does it mean to you? How does the Shadow show up in your life? The gifts? How can you hold space for the highest vibration?
Get clear on your Shadows here through the tools in Cultivate Awareness in the Shadow module.
Explore other potential Shadows in the center where this gate stems from in Shadow in Your Definition.
Bring them through Decondition + Rewire, EFT and/or through addiction meditation here.
What other energetics and support are specific to your gate? What chakra would this energy be associated with? What energetic body? Do you need support with Boundaries? Seek the other ways you can align and nourish.
Know that this is ongoing exploration that will serve you again and again. You’re not meant to figure it all out right now. Sit with it, ponder, marinate, ask questions, notice how it shows up in your life, put it down, come back to it, dig deeper, peel back another layer. These elements will continue to unfold if you allow them. Keep moving toward the gift and high vibrations of the energy.
Take good care of yourself. Contemplate how you uniquely ground through the archetypes in your Earth Gates.
Meditate on these energies. Sit and breathe. Let it roll around in your mind like a marble.
Get creative. Write a story or poem, collage, sing, choreograph, dance, cook, daydream, walk in nature, sit with the trees, start a convo, paint, create from this energetic space.