underworld initiations

If you are using this month’s lunar cycle deck to explore and you draw something from this portal that is not out just yet, just throw it back in your bowl and draw it again later. Lilith + Pluto are coming soon!

there is power in your dark

“We travel through the dark of the moon whenever… we face the loss of that form which has given our life a structure and sense of identity… what has been is no longer, and what is to come has not yet appeared.”
-Demetra George


Black Moon Lilith

Journal prompts

In relationships to both Pluto + BML:

  • Look to the Sign, House + Gates of these placements. What archetypes and themes are tied to these placements in relationship to these energies and you?

  • How do I feel repressed or suppressed in this area? Does its feel like it’s coming from outside of myself or am I doing the suppressing?

  • What emotions am I tamping down? Swallowing? Ignoring? Do I have periods where feelings burst out of me cause I’ve been holding so much inside? Am I holding on to trauma or memories of the past to define my future? What has accumulated that needs release?

  • Where do I feel stagnant in both these areas and others?

  • What limiting beliefs are perpetuating default settings that don’t serve me?

  • What is the Shadow of this gate + sign? What might I be afraid to face? Are there other parts of me I’ve rejected or disowned that deserve my love, acceptance and integration? How does it show up in the significations of the House?

  • What is my relationship to my wildness? To my raw power? To my uninhibited sexuality? Am I expressing this part of myself fully? At all?

  • What false roles am I participating in?

  • What parts of me do I ignore and not tend to? How am I ignoring my deepest desires? What are they?

  • What do I feel like my purpose is, not my job or doing in the world, but who am I here to be? What lights my soul on fire? The legacy I want to leave behind? Have I let the views of others shape my path?

  • Pick up the North Node Field Guide for bringing more depth or exploration and embodiment. Look at it all through the lens of Black Moon Lilith and everything shared.

  • Moving Healthy Aggression post.