Sun Vibes
Some information and resources around light + the Sun, both physiological + based around our Human Design + Astrology.
We are being inundated with blue light from LED’s EVERYWHERE + additionally our computer screen, phone, pads, the TV, etc.. and while I love blue-blocking glasses and use them, we are still marinating in that light, absorbing it through our skin. It’s not enough just to throw on a pair of glasses, we need to begin now to address the consequences and bring balance.
Sunbathers at a hotel in Capri, Italy. c 1980
First and foremost you want to get your body in the sun every day if possible. You want to get your bare eyeballs in the sunrise and the sunset to help set your bodies circadian rhythm, and you ideally also want to get out in some mid day sun. I still go back to the ReWild podcast with Nadine Artemis as an excellent resource on the Sun. I highly recommend checking it out or revisiting if it’s been awhile since you listened. I am very fair and have not used any form of sunscreen in years. We need sunshine on our bare skin! If I’m going to be in exposed sun for a long time and am worried about burning I’ll wear a hat or add something with sleeves, but the truth is, the more I get out in the sun in the mornings and evenings when it is mild, the less I burn in general. You never want to burn, so always monitor yourself and act according, but getting a little pink is actually a good thing.
The second thing is that my screen is always on Flu.x. This is an app you can use to reduce the blue light, so my face, neck and exposed body are not being blasted. I only turn it off when I am doing something that requires me to really see what the colors are, which I learned the hard way, posting images that were not what I thought. It’s super easy to toggle it off for an hour to get some work done. And, I have night setting set on my phone, as well as if I’m on it after dark, I have it set in accessibility to go full red with three presses of the right side button on my iPhone. This also tends to limit scrolling as our brain finds the lack of variation much less interesting.
These are free hacks with big rewards. And, if you can still locate some incandescent bulbs, stock up! ;)
the sun + medical astrology
The day we are born, to the minute, we are imprinted with a solar frequency. This frequency is both electric and magnetic as well as a multitude of other vibrational frequencies. The Sun in medical astrology is effectively our life force. Its placement by sign, element, house (its happiest in the 9th) and aspect (like a square to your Sun), offers us information about the quality and quantity of our natural vitality. As the Sun is ruled by Leo and in exhaltation in Aries, these placements tend to have a stronger overall vitality. If your Sun falls in Aquarius or Libra then you, especially, may find you have less consistency in your overall vitality and/or confidence. However, this also comes down to a much more holistic look at a birth chart and bodygraph, as well as conditioning. Regardless we all want to do all we can to support the replenishment of our life force e’ry day.
This is another reason I love working with frequency so much, because with microcurrent we are literally raising the voltage of our cells and with both FSM + magnetic frequency we are moving stagnation, we are bringing harmony + coherence, we are amplifying flow + increasing magnetism. When we increase electricity, we increase vital force. And the cosmic somatic work we do in SPC, unwinding our fascia, un-crimps the hose so to speak, of the pathways of this electrical energy so it can all flow more freely.
“At first breath of life is our direct supply, our life line with the universal power - life itself. As this force is electric in nature, so then we live, move and have our being through electrical energy. So long as this energy is established and flows through without obstruction we are in tune with the universal supply of life. When our magnetic field is able to maintain ample contact we receive knowledge, wisdom and contentment and the ability to achieve success. ”
It’s also more reason to get in the Sun as our human DNA resonates at around 54-78GHz while quantum physicists have found the Sun to bathe us in 52-78GHz, among others. It can be particularly supportive to expose your torso, the skin covering your Spleen, Solar Plexus and Dan T’ian (lower abdomen) which is considered the main store house of your life force battery.
the sun ic line + vitality
The Sun IC line in AstroCarto is often where we find the most support for our innate vitality. While IC lines are always good for connecting to your roots, lineage, heritage, the Sun can be particularly supportive for connecting to our deeper purpose and for healing of the body, mind + Spirit. It is a place to literally charge your batteries at the root.
You can connect to this energy by visiting or by channeling it through images from that region, music, art, books, films, etc.. Try cooking a meal or frequenting a cafe linked to the cuisine there. You can also experiment with resonant holistic health tools, herbs or practices native to that area.
the unconscious sun + radiance
In Human Design, your unconscious Sun gate is connected to how you stay well + radiant as well as unlock your innate inner light. It is the light locked away deep inside. It is your health, vitality, the power of your aura; it is your intuition and how you radiate at your highest level of well being.
This can be found in the left red column (Body) of your chart, at the very top, the Sun Symbol (circle w/ a dot at the center). The number before the decimal point is the gate of your Unconscious Sun. The number after the decimal point is the line (associated with your Profile). Members dive into the Shadows and Gifts of this archetype in your bodygraph here, as well as how to support it and therefore your own radiance and vitality.
“Our fear of death grows in direct proportion to the absence of a life fully lived. If we do not express the Sun we pass into the future looking back over our shoulder, regretting what we have not done and who we have not been.”
in closing
The Sun is life force. How can you more deeply explore your relationship to the Sun both as part of your human experience + cosmically. Breathe it in. Make sun tea as it warms up. Contemplate your Sun placements. Put your crystals out to charge and thank the Sun. Make an altar to the Sun. Make an offering. Get sunlight on your body, even the bits that don't normally see it (though I do advise taking that one slowly based on experience.. haha). Flirt with the Sun. Have a love affair. Offer gratitude often. Nourish your heart + follow it. Play. Connect to your Sun lines, travel and explore along your locals space Sun lines, grease those grooves. Move your body to untangle the knots in your fascia. Offer your body frequency. Burn frankincense. Wear bergamot. Have a cup of chamomile. With intention. Grow marigolds or sunflowers. Burn juniper to cleanse old trauma and low vibes. Structure and add light frequencies to your water. Honor your battery life (and charge them).
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