Yoga By Profile Lines
There are many places we can look in a bodygraph and natal chart to figure out what daily practices serve us in general, as well as in each moment based on the season we’re in, our needs + dreams, the (and our own personal) current cosmic weather. One of these such places is based on our Profile. Your profile in Human Design is referred to as the “costume of your purpose”, and they are clothes that may be ill-fitting at first, but we hopefully grow into. It tells us whether our destiny is more personal or transpersonal. It reveals our personal style and another layer to our own uniqueness, and it speaks to the duality that exists within each of us. Some binaries marry more easily, and others require more intentional balance.
We can also utilize our Profile to offer us information about what might be in most aligned support. Here are some examples based in yoga. You might pay particular attention to the number associated with your Unconscious Sun as is this so tied to what keeps you well + radiant.
line 1 - hatha yoga
Folks with a one line in either their conscious or unconscious profile may find they gain much benefit from HATHA YOGA which is really based in the details of the pose, in structure + foundation. Hatha which translates to “force” can often be used as a catch all of yoga classes but really has its roots in the fundamentals of posture, breath + mudra. It is less about flow and more about static poses that are practiced with thoughtfulness + accuracy. Good teachers will keep bringing you back to your breath throughout class and make adjustments so that you are moving toward greater alignment.
While Hatha originated as the ‘O.G.’, and a much more disciplined style of Yoga, classes today tend to be more gentle.
Since line 1 is associated with the Root Chakra, poses that ground you to the Earth like Malasana (squat), seated Cat/Cow, Frog Pose, Goddess, Crocodile Pose, Tree + Chair can all be supportive to practice. Members can find much in the Root Toolbox as additional support.
line 2 - kundalini yoga
Folks with a two line in their conscious or unconscious Profile may find they gain much benefit from KUNDALINI YOGA. As a 2 line myself I was drawn to Kundalini early on but had some challenging experiences in the beginning with it creating too much energy for me too fast. I think Kundalini is one of the most powerful technologies out there and I think it deserves our respect and caution when it comes to some of the practices through I find most to be incredibly supportive to my physical body as well as in manifesting my best life. It is one of my most treasured tools, and a staple in my essentials toolbox. I tune in to know what is in alignment for me in each moment + adjust my practice often.
Kundalini is a blend of meditation, mantra, kriya and breathwork that you typically combine into a daily Sadhana practice. You can read more about that here.
As 2 lines are tied to the Sacral Chakra, I find dance and non linear movement also especially aligned, as well as emo support.
line 3 - Karma Yoga
Folks with a three line in their conscious or unconscious Profile may find they gain much benefit from KARMA YOGA. Karma is derived from the Sanskrit word for “action" and is viewed as the sum of your deeds or the ways in which you are of service from a place of selflessness and without expectation. This can mean actual acts of service like volunteer work, it can also mean small acts throughout your day like anonymously buying the coffee of the person behind you.
You can also chant a mantra with the intention of cleansing energy and sending good vibes out into the world or practice something like Lovingkindness/Metta meditation.
Because 3 lines are also connected to the Solar Plexus Chakra poses like Twists, Bow pose, Camel + Reverse Plank can additionally be supportive, as well as flame gazing meditation, in resonance with your tie to the fire element, as well as supportive practices within the Solar Plexus Toolbox.
line 4 - Bhakti yoga
Folks with a four line in their conscious or unconscious Profile may find they gain much benefit from BHAKTI YOGA (as well as BREATHWORK). Bhakti is a heart centered practice which makes since as the 4 line is associated with the Heart Chakra. Bhakti yoga is often referred to as “love for love’s sake”. It is at its core about worship and devotion. For you this may be devotion to a Deity, Goddess, Archetype, Avatar or God. You may have a seated practice where you meditate daily in devotion and/or you may practice gratitude in the evenings in your journal, or over each meal, or build a mandala in nature in devotion to Mama Earth.
Pujas, which are a beautiful ceremony, are also considered a devotional practice as well as building an altar. When you sit down to meditate or do your yoga practice, maybe you begin by devoting your practice to an aligned Deity or particular lineage. Each intentional action brings you into greater awareness + connection with the Divine outside of yourself and of the Divine within.
“All we really ever have is our mood, our bhava.”
A simple practice is being mindful of how our moods affect those around us and create ripples in the world, especially in our definition. If you have a defined Solar Plexus, for example, your emotional state is physically contagious, and we get to choose what we are amplifying in any given moment.
At its heart, Bhakti is often referred to as the sweetest and most accessible yoga practice. It is choosing to do love every day, by bringing awareness to each awake moment.
line 5 - mantra
Folks with a five line in their conscious or unconscious Profile may find they gain much benefit from MANTRA, as well as 2 lines since Kundalini is so deeply steeped in Mantra. This line is tied to the power of sound through the Throat Chakra.
The Sanskrit word can be broken down into MAN meaning mind and TRA meaning projection. Mantras, in essence, are powerful mental projections. The sound currents and the way your tongue hits the meridians in your mouth when you recite a mantra aloud and in repetition shifts our vibration and the energetics around us as a result. Each syllable stimulates the upper palate in certain sequences creating chain reactions in the places in our body associated with those pathways. The sounds can also help us to unlock mental and emotional patterns by clearing energetic pathways, reprogramming the vibration of the water of your body. Mantra connects us to the sound of the Universe. Imagine filling yourself up with the sound of the mantra. They are one of my absolute favorite tools and there is a Mantra for every need.
You can read more about the power of sound here.
Line 6 - raja yoga
Folks with a six line in their conscious or unconscious Profile may find they gain much benefit from RAJA. Raja translates to king and the tradition is focused on meditation + energetics as a pathway to greater independence and autonomy. Yoga (as in the asana practice that we think of as yoga) was actually developed to prepare us for meditation, for Raja Yoga. It is the goal of yoga and the method to get there.
Its mission is to bring balance to the physical, mental and spiritual bodies and you may find the term Raja easily interchanged with Ashtanga Yoga today.
It is based in the 8 limbs of yoga, the external limbs - the Yama, Niyama, Asana, and Pranayama and the internal limbs - the Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi.
Yamas - Ahimsa (non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Asetya (non-stealing), Brahmacharya (chastity) and Aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
Niyamas - Saucha (purity), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (self-discipline), Svadhyaya (self-study), Ishvarapranidhana (surrender/devotion)
Asana - yoga postures
Pranayama - working with the breath
Pratyahara - sense withdrawal
Dharana - concentration
Dhyana - meditation
Samadhi - attained enlightenment/bliss
Much like the energy of the 6 line it is all encompassing of the tools that came before it. And it is said that by utilizing these tools one can find a path to liberation, individuation and the true self.
Members can also find other aligned support within the associated Chakras, the Third Eye + Crown.