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when invited You are here to manage, direct + guide others.
Don’t compare your process to others but rather let yourself move at your own pace. it’s the right one.
rather than waiting for the invitation think of it as preparing for the invitation…
indulge your learning, align with the energy, follow your passion!
“Auras are a full expression of the being, and a controlling agent of the way the form is going to work Auras are the way we connect to and are experienced by the other. To express our uniqueness with compassion, appreciating and respecting the uniqueness of others, is the consequence of coming to deeply know and love ourselves. Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following one’s Strategy”
Each of the types has a way in which their aura communicates in the world, a way you interact with your environment that is as unique as a blood type. When you honor your Strategy you create well being in your aura.
the aura of a projector
A penetrating aura. It is focused on understanding the other. This is what makes them such excellent guides. However without the invitation, one might resent this penetration. It is also why Projectors can be most vulnerable to conditioning (taking on energy that isn't theirs) as your Aura is literally rooting around in the other.
famous projector’s
With every conscious choice you grease a new groove. You redefine the rules and you shift your hologram.
When you’re feeling rejected in life it means you’re not recognizing your own gifts and value. Spend some time clearing limiting beliefs bringing them through Deconditioning.
Go to bed before you’re tired. Spend some time decompressing; take a long bath, journal, meditate, read, wind down, dump excess energy. Listen to the Sleep Hygiene audio below.
Go down the rabbit holes of what intrigues you.
When feeling your Not Self theme of Bitterness know that you’re out of alignment. Are you seeking external validation?
Magnetize the right people and circumstances by seeing your own value + unique genius.
Go with the natural ebb and flow of your life. Utilize the energy when you have it and rest when you don’t.
Projectors have a penetrating aura. Because of this you need to get to know your own definition, you own energy and lean in, as well as emptying out EVERY DAY!
When you feel like soliciting, redirect your attention to following your curiosity and bliss and nurturing your talents.
Recognize that you may not be able to keep up with those around you and that’s ok. Take a cat nap!
When you’re feeling heavy check in with what’s hanging around in your aura that you’re not meant to have. Empty out!
It’s not necessarily about the actions you take in the world, it’s about your fullest expression of self.
Get really clear about what you’re good at. Carve out the niche you want to be recognized for and have a way for people to find you (talk about your work, have a website, etc…)
Practice allowance vs. force.
Find beauty, curiosity and wisdom in the liminal spaces in between.
Call in grace and flow. Find support in the No. 2 Toolbox.
Know that you are WAY more than your energy type.
Answer to question on Projector subtypes.
Fears by Aura
fear I won’t be seen.
fear I can’t keep up with those around me and/or that I will continue to try to at my own detriment
fear of being judged when I honor my energy.
fear the invitation will never come.
you can also look to your defined fear gates to unpack other potential fears in your chart
Explore your Fear Gates.
Artwork: Thought Catalog
write it out
Prompts //
Are you an energy projector with at lease one defined motor center (Root, Solar Plexus, Heart) or no? What does this tell you about your access to energy? An energy projector will have access to well, more energy, more drive, more momentum. Either way, it’s extra important to follow your Authority to accept the correct invitations to avoid burnout.
What does get me really excited? When do I feel Inspired? When do I lose time working on something because I’m so into it? What gives me energy?
What are the things in my life that feel like a drain?
Where am I feeling bitterness? Am I processing old emotions out? Do I have stored emotions around bitterness that need clearing?
Do I believe I am enough? Do I have a strong sense of self worth?
Where am I trying to force things to happen? Coming at it from my mind? Initiating?
Where do I need to make adjustments to my life to honor my energy?
What do I need to explore more deeply to live authentically and in my power?
Is my current environment one where I feel recognized?
powering down
Artwork: Samantha Hahn
“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious. ”
30 Days of Appreciation
For the next 30 days start to grease a new groove. Every evening take inventory of all the ways you feel seen, supported, recognized +/or valued.
use this nidra to release limiting beliefs + align with your power
through truly recognizing and owning your own value
emotional freedom technique
Intro to EFT in the Journal.
Boundaries for tools. You have a penetrating aura and therefore are the most vulnerable to conditioning. Learn how to set healthy boundaries for yourself.
AND empty out DAILY!
The No. 2 Toolbox for inviting flow + grace into your life.
Find safety in your body.
The No. 3 Toolbox for standing in your power.
Read the autobiography of one of those power houses.
Boncharge blue blocking glasses for winding down in bed to spend time emptying out - without getting turned on by the blue light from any of your screens. Try the yellow (or red) ones if you still have sleep issues after emptying out your Sacral or just want to support your bodies natural rhythms. Use code BARNEY15 for 15% off.