Love, Pisces

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I’ve been thinking a lot about Pisces + Virgo, as the Sun is in Pisces and we are approaching a Virgo Full Moon. It feels extra up for me as Pisces happens to be on the cusp of the House I am profected into for the year. It’s also the home of my Midheaven (and my South Node - which is an interesting combination to balance) and this puts it opposite my North Node in Virgo, and Virgo stellium. This axis is one that is very important for me in this lifetime, karmic.

The other day while driving to get groceries I had a very Piscean reminding. I have never subscribed to cancel or call out culture. I actually fought against it, and lost friends along the way (which I’m ok with). I have, however been extremely opinionated in my life. I grew up around a defined Ajna, while having mine open, same with my Root. Therefore these are places of deep conditioning for me. I have been quite righteous even in my views, especially in my 20’s and early 30’s. I was guilty of trusting what mass media was telling me without much questioning. And, I based pretty solid world views around it, of which, while I loved to think I was open minded, were fairly rigid, in what I believed were better, more loving, more inclusive positions.

Learning about my open Ajna was a permission slip to real open mindedness, true curiosity, the kind that is uncomfortable. To the understanding that most of us are doing the best we can with the information we have, our own bias, our environment, the media algorithm we exist in (if we don’t seek elsewhere), trauma, fear, etc.. etc… . I have thought often about the fact that we live in a society where people are judged harshly for not caring about an issue (or sometimes simply not performing their caring) as much as someone else cares about it, at the same time they care about, in the exact way they care about it and show it. The truth is we really have no idea the contributions each person makes to society, to their community, to their family and the ripples that result. We judge folks who are not in agreement with our perspective without really questioning what formed theirs. We love to put people in boxes and paint in black and white.

While I was driving I saw something that would have in the past caused me to get all up in my judgement, even if just in a reactionary moment, until I could catch myself, pull back and swallow it up with compassion. I often send folks loving kindness meditation when I feel somewhere in side of me is judging something about them. That day I saw something I would have judged, and the little voice piped up, the wee twinge in my body sparked and I wrestled with it for a minute. Moments later we pulled up to a light and I watched the same person pull a pre-made care package from their car for the house-less person asking for help on the median. Clearly this is something they do often, distributing water, toiletries and Kind bars, etc.. It was such a tangible beautiful reminder that while we might look at someone for a specific view, action, belief, political leaning… and judge, we have no idea the good they are doing in the world. We don’t actually know the fullness of their life and experience. That the person who is not posting every day about social justice is not donating time to an animal shelter, or the person who doesn’t post their performative square on Instagram isn’t quietly tithing to boots on the ground, or cares deeply about the environment and uses zero single use plastic. Pisces at its core is compassion, it is remembering our primal Oneness, it is reminding us, as Ram Dass shared so beautifully - “We are all just walking each other home”.

As the media continues to try to divide us, this is an important remembering for us all.

And, the reminding that we all have a different and unique path for that ‘walk’, our cosmic imprint tells us so. ;) Neptune, Pisces modern ruler, is a great place to begin delineating your distinct lane, your Spiritual pilgrimage in this life.

Pisces - leaning in

Pisces is a mutable, water sign, feminine. It deals in the realms of fluidity, of letting go, of alchemy and transmutation, adaptability and RECEPTIVITY. The feminine places in our chart are areas where we are always meant to focus more on receiving, on magnetism, on being in flow and synchronicity, rather than of linear and logical action. Where we are meant to be open, in the spaces of energy and frequency, rather than matter.

Pisces calls us to surrender. It invites us to daydream without escaping reality into fantasy. To get lost without being lost. To tune more deeply into Spirit, into Divine guidance. To love, accept and honor ourselves more deeply. To truly do it. It invites us to sit still and watch our minds, to dance through our mornings, to listen to an entire album while doing nothing else but enjoying the music, to stroll through an art gallery in the middle of the afternoon, to create art. To meditate, meditate, meditate. Make art your meditation. It invites us to trust fall into our higher self, into our life, into love, into Source.

It asks us to stop worrying about “how” when it comes to manifesting and step into the energetics and heart coherence of our desired future self, to get addicted to that. To let go of the plans and follow our Strategy + Authority to each next aligned action, not needing to know fives steps down the road, but just focusing on what is right in front of us. To forgive ourselves our missteps. To release criticism and marinate in compassion. To re-member that sourcing happiness is an inside job. To get drunk on love.

It asks us what and where we need surrender. It invites us to emotional hygiene. To nurture our psychic gifts. To go sit by bodies of water. To take salt baths. To watch the ways water flows. To read poetry and tend to romance. To listen to whale sounds. To move old grief. Shed tears that water the dreams of your desired future. Open the doors to deeper containers of healing.

It asks us to innerstand the power of our sensitivity rather than getting caught in the storms of victimhood. To play in the kaleidoscopes of your openness recognizing the sacred wisdom experienced and learned without becoming what is not you. There is a reason our open centers are called our profit centers in Human Design. There is power in your openness when you don’t become solid with Not Self but allow it all to flow through, picking out what serves and discarding the rest.

It gently requests tending to the fluids of our bodies. Pisces rules the lymphatic system and this is a great little practice to wake up your lymph every day. Supporting your Lymphatic System is intrinsic to your overall well-being. I’m also newly obsessed with vibration plates. It rules the feet, so invest in some toe separating socks, let your toes unfurl and breathe. Get a foot massage or reflexology. Rub magnesium lotion or oil on your feet before bed, or castor oil. Love up on them. They carry you everywhere. Nourish your Spleen, support your immune system.

While it is much more important if the Sun is your Timelord for the year (or your Pisces house is up), we are all playing in the Piscean energy, the Sun illuminating an area of our charts. What specific significations are up for you (your Pisces house)? Do you have any gates in Pisces? Where is the Sun bringing some energy, vitality, life-force, light, and how might you bring attention and intention? Members also check out self care for water signs. What stuck out to you in this musing, lean in.



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amanda barnett