support for the
new paradigm
Artwork by HHEININGE
hello love
I wanted to put some resources all in one place for my members (I will continue to add more). You may not find resonance with all of my same resources and that’s totally fine. I don’t always resonate with all the content of even what/who I will share below. I just wanted you to have a place to go to get excited and feel support and maybe bring some focus for what’s to come. See what feels aligned + nourishing and focus on that. This time is not really about the politics playing out on the world’s stage, though the movie can be entertaining when you can zoom out. We are in a massive upgrade as a humanity and it’s important to stay focused on the big picture. Some things that take place on the world’s stage will make sense now and some will make sense later but it’s all leading us to the most abundant time we’ve ever known.
new paradigm support within
Anything in membership will support you as we step into this new world. Getting to know yourself and who you came here to be is a high priority and there are loads of rabbit holes to dive down for that. Some other ways you might lean in aside from pulling all the fun threads in your charts and cosmic weather…
the nervous system portal for growing your capacity to receive + hold more abundance.
decondition old stories, traumas, mindsets, patterns, shadows, default settings, habits, etc…
tend to your intuition in the Knowing portal.
And without
tending to your vibes: I love starting the day with one of these.
tap into awe as often as you can.
With (insert Sign) on my 5th House of pleasure and play and the ruler (insert Ruler) in the House of (insert House) + Sign… how might I best align with supportive play in my life and tap into greater layers of pleasure.
resources for expanding your mind
The Galactic Federation Station for channeled messages.
this conversation with Mia + Bree, and you can check out Mia’s IG Stories (and highlight) if you’re interested in the deeper meaning of current events.
the work of Dolores Cannon, I’m listening to The Convoluted Universe.
hidden history resources
this book on Tartaria
Jon Levi, this one blew my mind, especially with Greenland talks.
a community member said she was digging the Gaia series by Regina Meredith. I haven’t checked it out yet but thought I’d share anyway.
this series with Honey Golden
movies + SEries
Wag the Dog
The Truman Show
Neverending Story
Star Trek Discovery for technology
Doctor Strange
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Avengers: Endgame
Astral City
The Peripheral
other books
The Holographic Universe
Keepers of the Dawn
Earth, Pleiadian Keys to the Living Library
The Divine Matrix
Dolphin Connection
works of Francis Scovel Shine, Joe Dispenza + Neville Goddard