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you are here to receive + reflect
you get to play in the full spectrum of humanity, to explore, experiment + detach
“Auras are a full expression of the being, and a controlling agent of the way the form is going to work Auras are the way we connect to and are experienced by the other. To express our uniqueness with compassion, appreciating and respecting the uniqueness of others, is the consequence of coming to deeply know and love ourselves. Mastering this level of auric communication between Types begins with following one’s Strategy”
Each of the types has a way in which their aura communicates in the world, a way you interact with your environment that is as unique as a blood type. When you honor your Strategy you create well being in your aura.
The aura of a reflector
An aura that kind of moves along the edges of someone else's but like Teflon it doesn't absorb any energy. This is fascinating because even though Reflectors have all 9 centers open, they are least likely to take on conditioning. They are superficially sampling.
famous reflector’s
With every conscious choice you grease a new groove. You redefine the rules and you shift your hologram.
Spend some time clearing limiting beliefs through the Deconditioning Nidra. And/or bringing them through Decondition so you can stand fully in your power.
Go to bed before you’re tired. Good sleep is very important for you. Listen to the Sleep Hygein audio below.
Embrace impermanence + your changeability as a strength.
Find ways to create consistency in your life in a way that feels nourishing.
When feeling your Not Self theme of Disappointment know that you’re out of alignment. Are you in the correct environment?
Magnetize prosperity by following what is for your spirit. What lights you up in the moment? Have curiosity.
Really get to know the cycles of the Moon. Keep a journal following along daily as we move through the phases to see if you notice any patterns as well as to understand and embody your decision making process. You are going to go through a similar pattern each month, times when you create definition in your chart and may feel more emotional, more urgency, more pressure, more at ease, etc.. Your ‘self’ is revealed through the rhythm and flow of the lunar cycle. You can get to know these patterns yourself and/or you can have me map your Lunar Cycle to gain more clarity around what you’re working with.
Find ways to exercise that are not too intense for your body. Honor your energetic edge. Know when enough is enough.
In a lot of ways you want to be the OBSERVER. You want to be able to sit back, see what’s happening and ‘reflect’ back your understanding. My Breathwork teacher, David Elliot, used to say you can hold space for someone without processing for them. And when you process for them, you are doing both you and them a disservice. You want to sample but disown the energy. In doing this you have the capacity to become extraordinarily wise.
If you’re feeling stuck in any way, look at your environment and see if there are any changes you need to make + make sure you entered into your situation through your Strategy.
Explore + lean into your Environment Variable.
REST when you need to. Honor your natural ebbs and flows. Take breaks throughout the day. In Kundalini, Yogi Bhajan speaks, especially for women about 1-2 eleven minute naps a day. If you can’t fall asleep, just take the time to power down.
Be mindful of who you allow access to you.
When you’re feeling heavy check in with what’s hanging around in your aura that you’re not meant to have. Empty out!
Make space for solitude e’ry day! Have a space in your home or garden that is just for you.
Take walks in the moonlight. Make moon water. Honor the Full Moon. Make New Moon wishes. Get to know your Moon Sign + Gates.
Create a meditation practice.
Practice receiving!
Remember that “no” is a complete sentence. Cultivate healthy boundaries.
Pay attention to what environments feel nourishing to you and follow that. If big concerts are unsettling then opt for more intimate coffee house shows instead. And if you walk into a place and immediately feel off, leave. Listen to your instincts and follow them.
Pay particular attention to the transits as you get to sample energy through the transitory energy and actually have centers in your chart turned on. When looking at the transits be mindful of the gates on the other side of your hanging gate that when transited through creates a channel which create defined centers on either side. This can create pressure to act (potentially incorrectly). With the knowledge you can begin to notice if it’s external influence or actually energy that is correct for you.
Explore your purpose through The Meeting Ground and/or North Node work.
Check out this convo with a Reflector on Strategy.
Get your Lunar Cycle Reading or DIY here.
Know that you are much more than your energy type.
Fears by Aura
fear I won’t be seen for me, feeling invisible.
scared of taking on other people’s fears.
fear of being left out.
scared to embrace the flow of my identity.
you can also look to your defined fear gates to unpack other potential fears in your chart
Artwork: Thought Catalog
write it out
Prompts //
Are you in any way stuck in victim mentality?
Are you holding on to set identities? How can you be more of a blank canvas?
Do you have a consistent and reliable community for reflecting back to you your decision making process?
How are you handling the disappointment you feel in our world?
Are you emptying out regularly? It’s a good practice for you to check in every evening and see if there is anything that needs processing/emptying.
As you sampling energy rather than taking it on… recognize the wisdom you get to mine through your empathic abilities.
Are you taking care of your self? It’s easy for you to be leaned on or even dumped on. Are you setting healthy boundaries? Taking care of you?
Do you feel seen?
Does your current environment make you happy?
powering down
Artwork: Samantha Hahn
“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious. ”
30 Days Aligning
Spend the month really tuning into the moons cycles. How do you feel each day? What patterns do you notice when you bring awareness.
If you have something you’ve been pondering bring it through your Strategy this month. Talk it out with those you trust to hear your own resonance.
I am called, I reflect, then I take action.
use this nidra to release limiting beliefs + align with your power
emotional freedom technique
Check out this free audio on Reflectors from Human Design founder Ra Uru Hu.
Empty out DAILY!
To stand in your power and strengthen your container work with the energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Visit the Sacral Chakra for moving stagnation and finding flow. This is also moon energy.
Visit Boundaries for tools to stay grounded and create healthy energetic boundaries.
EFT is an especially powerful tool for Reflectors for dealing with their grief and disappointment in the world around them without getting overwhelmed. Having a consistent EFT practice can be extremely helpful. Write your own scripts or just talk through the disappointments of the day so you’re connecting in with what is unique to you.
Boncharge blue blocking glasses for winding down in bed to spend time emptying out - without getting turned on by the blue light from any of your screens. Try the yellow (or red) ones if you still have sleep issues after emptying out your Sacral or just want to support your bodies natural rhythms. Use code BARNEY15 for 15% off.
+ going out to see the moon at night.