The eclipse portal


the deets

The what + some support for the portal.

2nd of October solar eclipse

Solar Eclipses are diurnal in nature. They are more tied to our conscious aware selves, to world events and events in our personal lives.

This is a South Node Eclipse so it is about leaving something behind, release, letting go in some way, etc… It marks the closing of a chapter.

This Eclipse takes place at 10:42 am CDT, peaking at 1:45pm CDT in Gate 48 (Sun + Moon)… the Gate of The Well + the Wonder of Uncertainty. What a juicy one!

Check out the prompts here and see what is up for you as well as utilize the worksheet to see if it’s impacting your chart personally.

Allow your feels to move through and maybe even carve out some extra time for processing during this time. Practice good emotional hygiene.

Tune in to the deep wisdom of your body, of your Higher Self, of your Guides, of Source.

The Earth will be in Gate 21 so you can look to ground through letting go of control and letting your Heart lead. Release anger. Rest. Resource yourself (caption).

the worksheet

Navigating your unique journey this Fall.

Eclipses are not a time of manifestation, but rather times of reflection, processing, pattern breaking, nourishing + grounding.

They are also times to pay attention to the deeper insights trying to make their way to the surface.


House significations
Emotional Hygiene
21 days of Breathwork
Intro to Profections
A different lens on Libra + intuition

inside the collective

Deconditioning Portal
Seasonal support for Autumn
In The Now
Working with Profections
Diving Deeper with The Houses

Frequency support

If you have a Healy, a few suggestions:

  • Release with the intention to let go of low vibrations rising: limiting beliefs, old trapped emotions (also Pure Energy in Deep Cycle), default settings, etc…

  • Being or Coherence with the intention to align with your Soul’s calling

  • Cosmic Growth