the interior

In an age of acceleration, nothing can be more exhilarating than going slow. And in an age of distraction, nothing is so luxurious as paying attention. And in an age of constant movement, nothing is so urgent as sitting still.
— Pico Iyer


225-359*. Subconscious Unpacking. Deconditioing. Emptying Out. Shedding. Softening. Clearing. Shadow Work. BTS (Behind The Scenes).

From around Day 18ish - 29.5


  • What are the low vibrations I know are getting in my way? What is the BTS that needs to take place?

  • When I think about some of the conscious feelings I looked at during the Waning Moon, what might exist underneath?

  • What subconscious stories am I running on repeat?

  • Where am I trying to force it to happen? Where am I not able to practice receiving or reside in a state of allowance?

  • Do I need to slow down?

  • Where am I not taking responsibility as the architect of my life? Where am I getting caught up in victim consciousness or blaming?

  • Where am I meeting resistance when it comes to my desires?

  • Where have I forgotten that I am a limitless being? Where am I placing limits on what is possible? On what I feel I am worthy of? On what I believe to be achievable?

  • Where am I carrying resentment, irritation, frustration, impatience for the journey? How might this low vibration be getting in my way? Where am I focused on what’s not working instead of what is?

  • What are the Shadows I might want to dig in when it comes to my natal chart + Gates… any associations when it comes to my core desires and/or one’s that just feel at the forefront?

  • Do I have healthy boundaries?

  • Do I have trapped emotions creating delays, obstacles, distortions?

  • What needs release, clearing, decluttering, detoxification, more spaciousness in my physical spaces, mental spaces, emotional spaces, spiritual spaces?

  • What needs composting so I can begin again?

Take ANY of these question where you feel you can use a little extra guidance and use them to craft your own Tarot Spread. You can make it as simple as you like, pulling one card for the entire Waning phase as your ally, or one card/day, or you can pull several cards once you write down which questions you’re most wanting guidance around.

Ask your guides for help in meditation and then pay attention to what comes in throughout your days.

Write the question on a piece of paper every night for 3 nights in a row and then pay attention to your dreams.

Find stillness. Drop your inquiries down like rocks into a deep water source, letting them float down into your Subconscious with the intention of asking your Subconscious and Higher Mind for assistance. You may find an answer comes through in meditation or a couple of days later. Stay tuned in.

This is a time period in general (including the Full Moon) to deepen your connection to benevolent Spirit Guides, Angels, well and wise Ancestors (important to make that distinction), Elementals, Deities, Source, Divine Guidance, God, Goddess. Ask for help in remembering your limitlessness.

What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.
— Plutarch

inside the collective

Without exception, I have found that 5 percent of a person’s success has to do with strategy and plans. The remaining 95 percent has to do with mindset.

This accounts for why ordinary people often achieve extraordinary success, and brilliant people can struggle to make things happen.

You could be the smartest person in town and have a solid strategy for reaching a goal; however, if you have the wrong mindset, not much is going to happen.
— Bob Proctor

Additional support

  • Nervous System Support

  • Take a nap! It’s actually a great practice, according to Kundalini Technology, to take two 11 minute naps/day

  • Earthing - get your bare feet on the Earth to align you with the Schumann Resonance