pulling threads

Take your time. Dive down a rabbit hole. support yourself along the way.

I highly recommend spending a month or more with each outline or playlist to really immerse yourself, to marinate, to integrate, to embody + to support yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually as you explore.

Expansion in this space coming regularly…. Also always feel free to shoot me an email and tell me what you need!


j o u r n e y s


A Four Week Journey Into Your Prosperity Placements in Human Design/Gene Keys

The harvest

A 40 day container for amplifying prosperity and exploring support + alignment through your unique astrology, Human Design, Feng Shui, etc…

o u t l I n e s

ALIGNMENT + co-creation

How you Uniquely Manifest by Design

The Magnetism workshop, particularly the You Are Powerful module helps to break down many of the ways you uniquely co-create by Design.


Following Your Strategy + Authority to Align you With Your Correct Purpose Through Correct Alignment + Opportunities
Explore Your Profile to Align with the Vehicle for How Your Purpose is Actualized
What are the Gifts of Your Definition?
Your North Node - The Path of Your Right Trajectory
Chiron - Your Wound That Becomes Your Gift

Unpacking Your Incarnation Cross + your Four Primary Gifts (+ challenges)in Direction
Module 1: Your Life’s Work - how your unique purpose meets/manifest in the outer world.
Module 2: Your Evolution - how we ground + what drives us.
Module 3: Your Radiance - how we stay well + thrive.
Module 4: Your Soul Purpose - purpose consciousness.


Unpacking feminine energy archetypes in your chart.


How you stay well, vital + radiant by Design.


Entering into relationships, bonding + love gates.

lunar cycles

How to create a map of your lunar cycles.

biz by design

Some places to explore for career + business by Design.

underworld initiations

Navigating the dark + alchemizing your power.



I love the idea of playlists because when it comes to Human Design and life, we can think of experimentation as play. This is a chance for you to explore certain thematics from a more holistic space. You may choose to work through an entire playlist, shuffle, skip, or just focus on your favorite tracks. Do you!



The Sag Gates + the Tarot Podcast
The Self Center - Explore your Definition/Openness + relationship to direction
The Sacral Center - Explore your Definition/Openness + relationship to passion + what lights you up
Explore your Jupiter Gates
Take a voyage through the wisdom + practices in Being Bounteous
Support your Liver
Connect to your Jupiter lines for expansion + luck.
Explore your House ruled by Sag + the Planets and Gates that live there.
The Solar Plexus Toolbox for connecting to your inner fire.
Make manifest.
Go on an adventure.
Drink a warm mug of Chaga tea.

LEO SEASON playlist

The Will Center - Explore Definition/Openness
The Gates of your Will/Heart Center
The Heart Toolbox - Open + Expand Your Heart
The Throat Toolbox - Pick a Tool to Foster Expression
The Sacral Toolbox + Gates for Creativity, Connection to Life Force, Pleasure + Play
Explore the Sun through The Meeting Ground
Connect to One of Your Sun Lines to Shine
Cultivate Flexibility + Adaptability through the Wood Element
Practice Sun Salutations + Cat/Cow to Nourish Your Spine Daily
Get your Body In the Sunlight.
Hydrate - drink Motherwort, cold Chrysanthemum tea + add a pinch of Redmond Salt to your Water

virgo season playlist