moon phases


new moon

your birth moon vibes

  • fresh start vibes, comfy with new beginning but maybe less so with endings, or letting go of something that’s really not working

  • lots of ideas, innovative, optimistic + enthusiastic.

  • create new neural pathways, have new experiences, find ways to bring novel energy into your every day, don’t become stagnant or get stuck doing anything by rote.

  • know that follow through can be your Achilles heel and bring some intention and attention, following your Strategy + Authority of course.

by progression

Season: Winter Solstice | Germination

  • still in a darker energy but heading in to new beginning energy, shedding the heaviness, planting seeds in the fertile ground, turning toward new directions.

  • internally feeling shift of new possibilities emerging, new tone in life.

  • really tune in to your intuition, Strategy + Authority to know what are the right opportunities and selves to align with.

  • notice how you operate, are your following through or just getting lost in ideas.


your birth moon vibes

  • goal oriented and forward focused, need to be connected to the physical realm/the tangible

  • thrive when feeling accepted, recognized, affirmed from themselves + community. Release comparison.

  • can be so outwardly focused they forget to bring attention and intention to the inner work. Waning Moon phases can be a great time to focus on that.

  • can carry a tension between the past and the future, and the need to release and cut cords with old ghosts, insecurities and selves.

  • sensitive.

by progression

Season: Imbolc | Returning of the Light + First Shoots

  • emerging and seeing some of that fresh/new internal energy reflected in your external, as it breaks the surface, breaking free from the past.

  • moving beyond inertia, increase in motivation and potentially optimism, define success for yourself.

  • what new habits, patterns + processes would you like to create, skills would you like to acquire.

  • thing of spring and the prosperity and abundance around us.

Ernst Gaumann, Roots of Clover, (1946)

first quarter

your birth moon vibes

  • has a lot of tied to willpower, discipline, action forward folks

  • may find it hard to make decisions (often from fears that need clearing/alchemizing), but part of your gift is seeing both sides, use your Strategy + Authority.

  • important to find your balance between the internal/energetic work and the external/tangible actions

  • often thrive under stress/struggle, resilient, supported by structure(s). Be mindful of perpetuating cycles of crisis.

  • be mindful of self doubt + fearing/fighting the unknown.

by progression

Season: Spring Equinox | Light Gaining, Roots + Stems

  • deciding on steps forward, practicing self discipline, taking action + changing direction when needed, getting shit done.

  • picking up some speed potentially, hitting your stride in some way but also may be meeting a crossroads, or focused on overcoming some obstacles on your path.

  • supporting this time of momentum with healthy habits and (new) structures when needed for your body and life, listening in for clarity.

  • there may be some tension, but things often feel as though they are flowing as you moving through, over and around any obstacles or crisis. Be adaptable. Use challenges as information.

waxing gibbous

your birth moon vibes

  • external accomplishment and validation often feel important to you as well as always feeling like you are growing and expanding internally.

  • be sure to define your own terms of success. What makes you feel your Aura’s emotional theme (satisfaction, peace, surprise, success…)at your core?

  • patience is often a struggle and because this moon can always be seeking to expand be mindful to be grateful for what is right now, to celebrate your accomplishments and reside in gratitude.

  • work/life balance is necessary, take time for restoration.

  • requires flexibility and perseverance, will be ‘tested’ in your commitment + devotion to your dreams + goals.

by progression

Season: Summer | Beltane + Buds

  • editing + refining, analyzing and perfecting, a bit of Virgo vibes to this one. Checking in, taking inventory, seeing where you need to make adjustments.

  • acquiring skills, expanding methods, gaining deeper understanding.

  • seeing opportunities and choosing what feels in alignment.

  • can feel like a busier time

  • be mindful of getting too caught up in doing and working too much.

full moon

your birth moon vibes

  • typically comfortable with more visibility, being/feeling seen as long as they feel they are being authentically seen/heard.

  • can be natural leaders, influential. What is the bigger purpose or meaning you’d like to serve?

  • if we think about a full moon, emotions rise to the top so these folks can be sensitive, honor it, own it, don’t be a victim of it. Set up good boundaries for yourself.

  • be mindful of staying true to your authentic core and not get caught up in Not Self.

  • check in that you have balance in reciprocity.

  • take responsibility for your actions and life, living your life on purpose.

  • opposition aspect as the sun is directly opposite the moon but also in relationship, to avoid inner conflict both need attention and the respect + awareness of each other and each other’s needs.

by progression

Season: Summer Solstice | Peak Light

  • 10th house vibes, peak visibility, exposure, spotlight, things can become public in some way, illuminated.

  • explore life, opportunities, experiences, desires + variety.

  • finding meaning.

  • connection, union.

  • what is rising to the surface to be acknowledged, addressed, honored, cleared.

  • harvesting, fruition.

disseminating moon

your birth moon vibes

  • observant and good attention to details, good at distilling information, connecting dots, weaving topics, etc… into ways that feel relatable and understandable.

  • stepping into containers of leadership rather than entrepreneurial solo vibes may serve you better.

  • “put your oxygen mask on first”

  • release self doubt and tendencies toward perfection that get keep you stuck.

  • it’s helpful to ask yourself where you need to let go.

  • do you always need a cause? Do you weave it into your identity? Does this feel healthy? Do you get lost within the ‘cause’? Caught up in the group?

  • when in the high vibration you are inclusive of all views.

by progression

Season: Autumn/Fall | Lughnasad + Dark Fruit

  • sharing or giving back in some way, distributing, sharing/disseminating/communicating.

  • getting curious, seeing if things still feel in authentic resonance

  • pivoting and fine tuning where needed

  • conveying, ripening

  • living the truths that were revealed during the Full Moon phase.

third quarter moon

your birth moon vibes

  • similar to First Quarter vibes except instead of gaining light and focusing on expansion you may be looking more toward refinement, updates, change or revolution in both systems and culture, more ideas/thought based vs action.

  • more focused on the deconstruction or dissolving that needs to happen so that something else may be created. However, is there something at the core that carries through, a seed from the past that holds true and meaningful to carry forward.

  • trend spotter + setter.

  • trust in your intuition and be discerning in your thinking… not basing your values on others views.

  • tapping into meaning, discarding old ideas as you grow and evolve.

  • typically have a major life event where you are invited to dig in to your beliefs, spirituality, what you value and hold to be true.

by progression

Season: Autumnal Equinox | Dark Gaining

  • slowing down and reorienting to your truth and what you need in the now, revising your thinking/perspective where needed, reevaluating.

  • releasing old patterns, default settings selves, for something new, are there places or spaces you need to turn from to turn toward something else. Notice where you might be beginning to feel some discontent in your world. What information does this offer you?

  • taking better care of yourself, maybe noticing you’ve been doing a lot and recalibrating to have more balance.

balsamic aka dark moon

your birth moon vibes

  • may feel like the black sheep or always a bit on the outside in some way, misunderstood, need to find their sacred tribe, may feel its necessary at some point to break away from their past or old identities associated with their family, etc… in some way(s).

  • visionary 6 line vibes, ahead of their time which can feel isolating, but it actually a gift when tapped into, often feel called to “destiny”, something “bigger” they feel they are here to do.

  • karmic in its lifetime, a closure phase in some way for this lifetime, straddling the past and the future (an unknown).

  • naturally intuitive + empathic, spiritual connection, can have many encounters in their lifetime that feel both short and penetrative to their Soul, often healing patterns in this life from past lives/ancestral line. Forgiveness, compassion, kindness go along way to planting seeds for future lives.

  • time spent alone (and often without any input like a podcast in your ears) is key for emptying out, connecting to insight + recharging your battery AND also be mindful of too much isolation or alienation.

by progression

Season: Deep Winter | Samhain | The Dark

  • retreat, more internalized.

  • release, big composting time, clearing the inauthentic, emptying out, what no longer feels aligned, endings.

  • decluttering.

  • less productive, more rest where you can (lower energy potentially), time for healing, building new self, taking deep radical care. You will get more out of your New Moon phase when you honor the need for ample rest here.

  • dreaming new dreams, shifting/up-leveling visions.


finding your progressed moon phase

Calculated based on the degrees between your PROGRESSED SUN + PROGRESSED MOON

  • New 0-44*

  • Crescent 45 - 89*

  • First/Waxing Quarter 90 - 134*

  • Waxing Gibbous 135 - 179*

  • Full 180 - 224*

  • Disseminating/Waning Gibbous 225 - 269*

  • Third/Waning Quarter 270 - 314*

  • Balsamic 315 - 359*